Sonny Alves·Sep 16, 2024How to compute Pi (or Tau) in GoAs I mentioned in my first article of the series about, I was interesting to do some math. Ok so, how to compute Pi? We are in 2024, so the first thing I did is to ...34 readsutile.spaceTau
Atharva·Mar 16, 2024Getting Started with Raspberry Pi Pico: Setting Up with VSCode on UbuntuFor the past few months, I'm tinkering around with Raspberry Pi Pico W, and I'm simply fasininated by the possibilities it offers. In my academic years, I had the opportunity to explore the Raspberry Pi 3B, while both of these are System on Chip boar...107 readsRaspberry Pi Picoiot
Sammith S·Jan 12, 2024Calculating pi to learn JuliaI love standup maths, the man is too good, I will be very soon buying and reading his books. His yearly tradition of calculating value of pi in absurd ways every year on pi day is something I enjoy a lot.
Clark·Apr 15, 2023Iterative Theory Formulating the πTo accurately compute π, an iterative method called the Monte Carlo Method is implemented in the following diagram: #(1) Total Number of points: 0 Points within circle: 0 Pi estimation: #(2) Total Number of points: 825 Points within circle: 663 Pi...6 likes·33 readsmonte carlo
Sasi·Oct 14, 2022Connecting to Raspberry Pi for first time (headless)OK, I wanted to post on Devops related stuff. Instead I am starting with raspberry pi. Well, I have decided to learn Pi related stuff and thought I could use it for Devops related testing. Which model to buy - Purpose ? There are different models s...12 likes·478 readspi
Kaustubh·May 3, 2020How I Built a Vulnerability Assement Tool in Hackathon⚒️Everyone has heard about hackathons, this is especially true for a university full of engineering students. However, not many of us have actually experienced one before. I had never participated in one until just recently. Before this, I had the comm...Posts#VAPT audit