Pathan Naheda Mohammed·Aug 11, 2024🌟 Understanding POJO in Java: The Backbone of Simplicity🚀 What is a POJO? A POJO is a basic Java object that doesn't follow any special conventions or frameworks. It’s free from the clutches of EJBs, and it doesn’t implement any interfaces or extend any classes outside of the basic Java library. Think of...JavaJava
Chetan·May 13, 202409 Java - Classes (Part III)Pojo Class Stands for "Plani Old Java Object". Contains variables and its getter and setter methods. Class should be public. Public default constructor. No annotations should be used like @ Table, @ Entity, @ Id etc.. It hould not extend any cl...136 readsJavaJava
Bharat·Feb 15, 2024What is POJO Class in Java ?POJO stands for Plain Old Java Object. It is a term used to describe a Java class that follows simple conventions and does not depend on any specific frameworks or libraries. A POJO typically contains private fields with corresponding getter and set...1 likepojo
Chinedu·Nov 26, 2023Exploring the Power of Java Records: Simplifying Data Classes in JavaIntroduction Sometimes as a Java programmer, writing a whole bunch of repetitive and boilerplate codes for a class representing a distinct object can be quite exhausting and stressful. You may be looking at it like, why can’t I substitute these simil...10 likesJava
Rishabh·Nov 22, 2023Jackson AnnotationsAnnotationPurposeUsage @JsonAnyGetterEnables the flexibility of using a Map field as standard properties.Use when you want to serialize a Map's key-value pairs as JSON properties. @JsonGetterMarks a method as a getter for a specific property, alt...53 readsHelper-Docsjson
Kishore·Jan 1, 2023Exploring Java Bean vs POJOAs we know that in Java POJO refers to the Plain old Java object.POJO and Bean class in Java shares some common features which are as follows − Both classes must be public, Which is accessible to all. Properties or variables defined in both classes...pojo