Toan·Aug 25, 2024Networking and Sockets: Syn and Accept queueOne key area we focused on was the relationship between endianness and TCP stream sockets. We explained why the bind syscall expects certain information for the INET family to be in a specific endianness, known as network byte order. This ensures tha...Discussnetworking·Aug 19, 2024[자료구조] 스택과 큐목표 : 스택 , 큐 개념과 기본 구현 코드에 대해 알아보자. ✏️스택 스택의 데이터 구조 LIFO(Last In First Out) 원칙 : 스택 내부에 마지막에 들어간 요소가 먼저 제거됨. push : 스택 맨 위에 항목을 올리는 것 pop : 스택의 맨 위에서 항목을 제거하는 것 IsEmpty : 스택이 비어있는지 확인 IsFull : 스택이 가득 찼는지 확인 Peek : 최상위 요소를 제거하지 않고 값을 가져옴 Top =...Discussstack
Chetan·Aug 18, 2024LRU CacheDesign a data structure that follows the constraints of a Least Recently Used (LRU) cache. (link) Implement the LRUCache class: LRUCache(int capacity) Initialize the LRU cache with positive size capacity. int get(int key) Return the value of the ke...DiscussLeetcodeLRU Cache
Chetan·Aug 17, 2024239. Sliding Window MaximumProblem You are given an array of integers nums, there is a sliding window of size k which is moving from the very left of the array to the very right. You can only see the k numbers in the window. Each time the sliding window moves right by one posi...DiscussLeetcodesliding window maximum
Milan Jovanović·Aug 17, 2024Complete Guide to Amazon SQS and Amazon SNS With MassTransitHave you ever wondered how large-scale systems handle traffic spikes or maintain performance even when parts of the system are temporarily down? The answer lies in asynchronous messaging. Asynchronous messaging is, at its core, about decoupling. Our ...DiscussAWS·Aug 14, 2024How to Implement Message Queues in Your Backend ApplicationsThe goal of every web developer is to create a product that appeals to a wide range of users. However, this comes with its problems, chief among them being scalability issues to meet overwhelming user demands. If not addressed, this can result in a d...DiscussMicroservices
Nguyen Van·Aug 12, 2024Queue with Redis lists and GolangQueue is a data structure in the programming. It is used to transmit the message between system components. Queue operates the FIFO ( First in first out ) principle. It means if the message is pushed to the queue before then it will be the consumer h...Discuss·5 likes·48 readsShare source codequeue
Akshaya·Aug 12, 2024Queue in JSIntroduction The queue data structure is a sequential collection of elements that follows the principle of First In First Out (FIFO). The first element inserted into the queue is first element to be removed. A queue of people. People enter the que...DiscussData Structures and Algorithms in JavaScriptDSA
Jyotiprakash·Aug 11, 2024Introduction to QueuesQueues are a fundamental data structure in computer science, widely used in various algorithms and applications. Understanding the queue's basic principles and its differences from other data structures is crucial for solving problems efficiently. A ...Discuss·4 likes·833 readsqueue
Dinko·Aug 11, 2024Using a MongoDB Collection as a Job Queue for Cron Jobs: Dart ImplementationIntroduction During my experimentation with cloud functions in Dart, I had the need to implement cron jobs, also known as scheduled functions in Firebase. The result of this is my new package, called mongo_cron. So, what are cron jobs and why do we u...Discuss·214 readsDart