Yash Jainyashj.hashnode.dev·Jul 7, 2024Step-by-Step Guide to Implementing Rainbow Kit and Wagmi in Next.jsIntroduction This guide will walk you through the process of implementing Rainbow Kit with Wagmi in a Next.js application. Rainbow Kit is a React library that makes it easy to add wallet connection to your dApp, while Wagmi is a collection of React H...Discuss·42 readsdaap
Jordan MuthembaforLisk Africa Blogliskafricadev.hashnode.dev·May 29, 2024Creating the Lisk Scaffold: An Insightful JourneyLisk Scaffold Version 0.0.4 Overview 🧪 Lisk Scaffold DApp is an open-source, robust framework designed to accelerate the development and deployment of decentralized applications (DApps) on the Lisk platform. This article provides a comprehensive ove...Discuss·13 likeslisk-scaffold
Aaron Rebeloaaronr2023.hashnode.dev·Apr 25, 2023Build an NFT minting websiteWe are going to build a DAPP that lets users connect their wallets and mint NFTs from our contract Since I don't have money at the moment, lets build it on the testnet :) Overview of the entire process ERC721 contract will be deployed on the testnet....Discuss·10 likes·62 readsdapps
Armstrong Olawandearmstrongolawande.hashnode.dev·Apr 19, 2023How to integrate RainbowKit and WAGMI in Next.jsIntroduction This tutorial will guide you through the process of integrating WAGMI and RainbowKit to add a sign-in feature to your web3 dapp using TypeScript and Next.js. We'll create a basic application that allows users to sign in and displays thei...Discuss·5 likes·492 readsrainbowkit
Rahul rahul3526.hashnode.dev·Jan 10, 2023Connect frontend to Solidity using wagmiFirst we need to connect metamask to our frontend only then can we use solidity to connect with the frontend of the application. In order to do that you need to read the below blog which also has a video link on how to execute the code. how to connec...Discuss·1 like·208 reads#wagmi
Norman Saadénormad.hashnode.dev·Nov 3, 2022rainbowkit nextjs-13 upgradeHere is a step by step guide how to use the nextjs-13 /app dir quickly: initialize rainbowkit scaffold (rainbow docs) npm init @rainbow-me/rainbowkit@latest upgrade nextjs-version (vercel docs) npm install next@latest react@latest react-dom@latest ...Filip Zupančič and 1 other are discussing this2 people are discussing thisDiscuss·3 likes·770 readsrainbowkit
Jossif ElefteriadisforDevs Web3devsweb3.hashnode.dev·Oct 4, 2022How to fetch NFTs from wallet with Next.js and RainbowKit via Moralis APIIn this article, we are going through how to setup a Next.js app, connect our wallet using RainbowKit, and fetching the NFTs we own on Polygon mainnet via Moralis API and display them. What we will do to achieve our goal: Install Next.js Install Rai...Discuss·1 like·188 readsNext.js
Jossif ElefteriadisforDevs Web3devsweb3.hashnode.dev·Aug 18, 2022How to Connect Wallet using Rainbow Kit with Next.jsThe best way to connect a wallet - RainbowKit In my opinion: I haven't found a better looking UI for connecting your wallet in a beautiful way and as simple as it is with RainbowKit. Making a Web3 authentication isn't that hard, but supporting all wa...Rahul and 1 other are discussing this2 people are discussing thisDiscuss·4 likes·1.4K readsrainbowkit
Avneesh Agarwalblog.avneesh.tech·Aug 17, 2022How to use RainbowKit with thirdweb 🌈Introduction In this guide, we are going to see how to use RainbowKit with thirdweb! I am going to create a Next.js app and show how the users can connect their wallet with the amazing UX and UI of RainbowKit and then claim an NFT from an NFT drop th...Discuss·39 likes·2.7K readsthirdweb
Hayley is Coding 🦋hayleyiscoding.hashnode.dev·Aug 8, 2022Add a 'Connect Wallet' Button to Your Website - Next.js and RainbowKit Edition!This article is part of my 'web 3' series where I share what I'm learning in #30DaysOfWeb3 - a 30-day online course by Women Build Web3! If you are new to web 3 - my "Web 3 for Beginners" article was featured on Hashnode and may be a good starting p...Discuss·741 reads30 Days of Web3Next.js