Vishal·Jan 20, 2025Mastering Navigation in React Native: A Comprehensive GuideNavigation is a crucial aspect of mobile app development, enabling users to effortlessly navigate between different screens and features. In the world of React Native, a powerful framework for building cross-platform mobile applications, mastering na...React Native·Aug 13, 2024Responsive Navbar in React Js using React RouterHey everyone, I hope you are all fine, let’s build a responsive navbar in React JS using React Router Dom from scratch. Making a responsive navbar in React JS is an elementary side of recent internet growth. As customers increasingly enter websites f...react-navigation
José·Jun 12, 2024React Navigation: Working with ParamsWhat's React navigation? Unlike a web browser - where a link is simply made using an anchor <a> tag, and the URL is pushed to the browser history stack - React Native doesn't have a built-in feature of a global history stack. In most cases, mobile ap...39 readsReact Native
Nitin·Jun 7, 2024React NavigationIntroduction: React Navigation is a popular library used for navigating between different screens in a React Native application. It provides a set of tools and components to implement navigation patterns such as stack navigation, tab navigation, draw...#HiteshChaudhary
Harshal RanjhaniforCodeParrot 10x·May 18, 2024Navigation in React NativeNavigation is the backbone of great mobile app experiences, allowing users to seamlessly flow between screens. In React Native development, achieving top-notch navigation is very important for creating engaging apps. Understanding the Basics of Navig...10 likes·65 readsmobile app development
David·Mar 25, 2024React Navigation – How to Build a Breadcrumb ComponentI know what you're thinking – but despite the article title and cover image, this article isn't about bread or even pastries. Instead, it looks at a commonly used component in web applications for navigation called the breadcrumb component. Here, we'...JavaScript
Tirthajyoti·Jan 18, 2024An in-depth look at closures in ReactWhat will you do when a function defined inside a component stops referencing the latest value of the component's state? The answer: you unlearn. This is the same scenario my friend Bhaumik faced while prototyping his React Native app the other day. ...1 like·71 readsReact
6D-Shrinidhi·Dec 19, 2023React Native Alert !!Alert launches an alert dialog with the specified title and message. Optionally provide a list of buttons. Tapping any button will fire the respective onPress callback and dismiss the alert. By default, the only button will be an 'OK' button. This is...React Native
Prathamesh·Dec 17, 2023Behind the Scenes: Understanding the Inner Workings of Custom Tab Bars with React NavigationIntroduction The default tab bar in React Navigation is rather basic, and attempting to customize it can lead to a messy outcome. Fortunately, there is a straightforward way to implement custom tabs using the Material Top Tab Bar in React Native with...2 likes·125 readsReact Native
Luqman·Oct 21, 2023React Router: A step-by-step guideIntroduction React Router is a crucial tool for building dynamic, single-page applications in React. It provides a seamless way to manage navigation, routing, and user interactions within your web application. In this article, we will explore the fun...32 readsreact-navigation