Abhishek Sadhwaniabhisheksadhwani.hashnode.dev·Sep 10, 2024React Component Testing: A Complete Guide to Jest and React Testing LibraryAs a developer we want the chances of our program failing to be minimal, that’s why testing is an important part of modern development. In a react application as the complexity of the application increases, it becomes critical to test the working of ...Discuss·11 likesJest
Oluwafemi SosanyaforDev Toolkitdev-toolkit.com·May 18, 2024Setting Up and Testing a React Application with VitestWelcome to the first part of our detailed series on setting up and testing a React app. Configuring and testing a React app can be daunting, especially when it comes to ensuring that your components, hooks, and utilities work as expected. In this art...Discuss·79 readsTesting a React AppReact
Konark sharmakonark.hashnode.dev·Mar 29, 2024Mastering React Testing: Best Practices and StrategiesReact testing is the process of testing your React components and applications to make sure that they work properly and meet the desired requirements. Testing our React components and applications involve running various tests to make sure that they ...DiscussReact
Erba Afidotamaerba-writing.hashnode.dev·Jan 23, 2024React Unit Testing using @testing-library/reactExample component code: import {useState} from 'react'; const Text = ({text}) => { const [state, setState]= useState(0); const add = () => { setState(state+1) }; return ( <div> <h1>Hello World</h1> ...Discussgetbytext
AtulforPococaretech.pococare.com·Sep 24, 2023Test your react component using PlaywrightTesting is an integral part of the software development process. When it comes to web development, testing React components is crucial to ensure that your application functions as expected. Playwright is a powerful tool that can help you automate bro...Discuss·16 likes·269 readsqa testing
Vishwas Acharyavishwasacharya.hashnode.dev·Jun 8, 2023How to test your React components like a proIntroduction React is a popular JavaScript library used for building user interfaces, and it's important to ensure that your components are thoroughly tested to guarantee their functionality and reliability. Testing React components can be challengin...Discuss·1 likeReact
Akshat Vishwakarmaakshatv.hashnode.dev·May 6, 2023Jest and React Testing Library: Harnessing the Power of Unit and Integration Testing in Your React AppIntroduction Testing is a critical aspect of building robust and reliable React applications. When it comes to testing React components, Jest and React Testing Library are two popular frameworks that complement each other well. In this blog, we will ...Discuss·167 readsJest
Blossomblossom.hashnode.dev·Feb 1, 2023UI Testing: Unit vs Component testWhen it comes to testing your frontend applications; there are many testing methodologies: unit testing, component testing, integration and end-to-end test. This article focuses on unit and component testing as they are commonly used interchangeably ...Chinenye Anikwenze and 1 other are discussing this2 people are discussing thisDiscuss·15 likes·346 readsfrontend conceptsreact testing
Ravi KumarforFor Devs By Devsfor-devs-by-devs.hashnode.dev·Nov 21, 2022Login form testing using React Testing LibraryReact Testing Library The react-testing-library is a very light-weight solution for testing React components. It provides light utility functions on top of react-dom and react-dom/test-utils, in a way that encourages better testing practices. So rath...Discuss·1 like·4.5K readslogin form
Quincy Oghenetejiriquincyoghenetejiri.hashnode.dev·Nov 7, 2022Writing Maintainable Tests in React using the React Testing Library.If you want to be sure that your components are functioning correctly for your users, you should build maintainable tests. You want to avoid putting implementation details in your tests as part of this objective so that refactoring of your components...Discuss·5 likes·93 readsReact