·Nov 1, 2024Boosting React Performance: A Deep Dive into "useCallback" and "React.memo"useCallback and React.memo Both are powerful tools in React to optimize rendering performance, especially in complex applications. When used effectively, they help avoid unnecessary re-renders, making your app more efficient. 1. useCallback Hook The...React
Yusuf·Sep 28, 2024React Interview Questions (Part 2): Component Lifecycle & HooksWhat are the differences between componentDidMount, componentDidUpdate, and componentWillUnmount in class components? componentDidMount, componentDidUpdate, and componentWillUnmount are lifecycle methods in React class components that are invoked at ...React Interview QuestionsReact
Ankita·Mar 23, 2024Optimizing React Components: Harnessing the Power of Pure Component and React.memo()What is a Pure component and pure function? Based on the concept of purity in programming paradigms, a function is said to be pure if it meets the following two conditions: Its return value is only determined by its input values Its return value is...React·Mar 1, 2024React memo and useCallbackWe all have heard about using performance optimization techniques in ReactJS to make the applications efficient and fast. But many times the question arises is what are the correct methods to do it, and ReactJS offers some of them out of the box such...React
sudheer·Jan 27, 2024Memoization with React.memoMemoization is a technique used in computer science to optimize the performance of functions by caching their previously computed results. In simple terms, memoization stores the output of a function based on its inputs so that if the function is cal...React
Pavan·Jan 16, 2024"Optimizing React Performance: A Deep Dive into the Differences Between useMemo and React.memo"React, a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces, provides developers with a variety of tools to optimize performance. Two such tools are useMemo and React.memo. While they share a similar goal of improving performance by memoizing va...React
Fatima·Oct 30, 2023When to use React.MemoWhat is memoization? Memoization is an optimization technique in programming that stores the results of expensive function calls and returns the cached result when the same inputs occur again, rather than recomputing the function. In the context of R...React
Mohamed·Sep 28, 2023How to Avoid Breaking Memoization with Reference Types in ReactTable of Contents Introduction When To Use React.memo How To Use Reference Types (Array, Object, and Function)With React.memo Only Memoize Reference Types If They Don’t Change Frequently Update The Reference Only When The Inner Value Changes Us...121 readsReactJSuseMemo
AK·Sep 23, 2023React js useMemo HookMomoization Concept useMemo react.memo Live Demo useMemo vs useCallback What problem solve in useMemo ? Why need useMemo? Does useMemo has any disadvantage? Background The term “Memoization” comes from the Latin word “memorandum” (to rememb...React
Yaswanth·Jun 10, 2023FeaturedBoost React List Performance: Unleashing Efficiency with React.memo, useCallback, and Proven Optimization TechniquesLet's embark on an interactive journey to solve a problem using React and optimize the performance of our list. Hold on tight and get ready for some coding fun! To begin, we have a task at hand: implement a feature that allows item selection. But wai...30 likes·340 readsReact