ANGADSINGH·Jul 27, 2024Why Does the Linux Filesystem Go into Read-Only Mode and How to Resolve It in Various Versions (Ubuntu, RHEL)?Introduction Linux filesystems can switch to read-only mode due to various reasons, impacting the system's ability to write data and potentially causing service disruptions. Understanding the underlying causes and knowing how to address them in diffe...Discuss·67 readsLinux
Mahira Technology Private·May 20, 2024Creating a Readonly Access User in SnowflakeIntroduction :- Remember the last time you had to share your favorite book with someone, but you wanted to make sure they don’t scribble on the pages? Giving someone readonly access to your Snowflake database is somewhat similar. It’s all about shari...Discussread-only-user·Feb 6, 2024맵드 타입 기반의 유틸리티 타입 1 - Partial, Required, ReadonlyPartial Partial<T>은 특정 객체 타입의 모든 프로퍼티를 선택적 프로퍼티로 변환한다. 즉, 기존 객체 타입에 정의된 프로퍼티들 중 일부분만 사용할 수 있도록 도와주는 타입이다. 예제 간단한 블로그 플랫폼의 일부를 직접 구현한다고 가정해보자. // 게시글 타입 interface Post { title: string; tags: string[]; content: string; thumbnailURL?: string; } ...DiscussTypeScriptpartial
Manoj·Oct 4, 2023Const vs Readonly in C#In this article, we will talk about the two most commonly used keywords “const” and “readonly” and the difference between them. Let`s get started. const: We can declare a variable as a constant using the const keyword in C#. We need to assign a val...DiscussC#