Thai·Nov 1, 2024Sitecore XM Cloud - Redirect Items Not Published to Edge: How to Solve ItIn Sitecore XM Cloud, redirection is an out-of-the-box feature that allows editors to set up and publish redirects directly from the Content Editor. This empowers non-technical users to manage redirects efficiently without needing a developer’s suppo...Sitecore
Sheraz·Oct 1, 2024Next.js Middleware Explained: Simple Guide with ExamplesLet's talk about routing in Nextjs. Today, we will talk about the one of most powerful thing middleware. Middleware in Nextjs offers a powerful and flexible way both to intercept requests from server and control requests flow (redirects, URL rewritin...Nextjs TutorialsNext.js
Vishal·Jun 17, 2024Configuring URL Redirection and Reverse Proxy in Apache2 for Ubuntu UsersHello DevOps Enthusiasts, As a Senior DevOps Engineer, one of the essential tasks I often handle involves configuring web servers for URL redirection and setting up reverse proxies. Apache2, a robust and highly customizable web server, is a popular c...1 like·32 readsredirection url
Harish·May 21, 2024Go Router + Riverpod Tutorial Series 3: Nested Routes with AuthenticationFirst let's create the required screens. Settings Page: Settings page has two buttons: (Go to Account Settings, Logout). class SettingsPage extends ConsumerWidget { const SettingsPage({super.key}); @override Widget build(BuildContext context, ...Go Router with Riverpod TutorialFlutter
William·May 17, 2024"How to Redirect to the Home Page (index.html) Using JavaScript: A Comprehensive Guide"If you want to refresh your current page to the home page (index.html) using JavaScript, you can achieve this by setting the window location. This can be done in various ways depending on the specific requirements. Here are a few methods to refresh t...6 likesWeb Development
Joda Stöß·May 17, 2024Cloudflare Phases Out Page Rules FeatureIt's been a long time coming, as Cloudflare wrote about the future deprecation and replacement of Page Rules back in 2022 in their blog article: Introduction of Page Rules Since their introduction in...54 readscloudflare
Freddy·Mar 15, 2024Four serverless methods to perform HTTP redirects using AWSIntroduction There are several situations where you may want to redirect traffic from your website or webservice to a different URL. One example of this is when you have an outage of your website and want to temporarily redirect traffic to another pa...98 readsAWS
Abdullah Bin·Feb 10, 2024Lecture # 22 - Redirection and PipesRedirection: Redirection is used to save the output of a command in a file instead of showing the output on the terminal. By default the output is shown on the terminal but when we use redirection, we can save the output of an executed command into a...Devops·Jan 8, 2024How to Redirect a Single Website to a New Host on Apache and Nginx ServersIn the ever-evolving world of web development, it’s not uncommon to encounter the need to move websites to new servers. This can be due to various reasons like server performance, cost, or scalability. In my recent experience, we faced a similar scen...url redirect
Muiz·Sep 6, 2023Navigating the Shell: A Beginner's Guide to Redirections and FiltersGreetings, fellow tech enthusiasts! Recently, I stumbled upon a hidden treasure trove in the world of programming – shell redirections and filters! And today, I'm thrilled to take you along for the ride as we dive into the magical world of shells, re...3 likes·257 readsshell