Josh GM·Jul 2, 2024Moving our site from Netlify to Fly.ioWe recently switched our main website from Netlify to This was a pretty smooth process and we're happy with the results. Here's a quick overview of our experience. Why we switched Netlify is awesome. It's super easy to use and one of the best...RedwoodJS
Peter·Jun 18, 2024"Love reloaded": A DX StoryRedwood aims is to provide a fast, robust and comprehensible React Server Component experience. We're iterating towards improving that experience by adding a RSC development server that supports live reload. What is Live Reload? Live reload is a feat...RedwoodJS
Josh GM·May 21, 2024Using Middleware: RSS and SitemapWe recently redesigned our website for the new "Bighorn" epoch of Redwood. This included starting this series of blog posts which had a fun side effect of giving us an exercise to solve. How do we implement an RSS feed when our blog is built into a R...RedwoodJS
Rob·May 13, 2024New Feature: og:image Middleware💡 og:image Middleware is only available in the latest canaries of Redwood! The code snippets below assume you're on at least 8.0.0-canary.570 If you've spent any time around the marketing department of your company/startup, you're probably familia...Middleware
Danny·May 10, 2024Middleware in RedwoodJSAn Introduction to Middleware What is middleware? It's a function that runs before your request is routed and rendered – giving you the ability to: a) Intercept and modify the response b) Enrich the request “context” (e.g. add auth details) c) Enrich...RedwoodJS
Amy·Apr 8, 2024Techniques for Fetching Data: Comparing Next.js (app and pages API), Remix, and RedwoodJSAll SaaS applications involve CRUD – Creating, Reading, Updating, and Deleting. Therefore, the way we fetch data naturally becomes a major piece of the developer experience and one of the many problems that a framework is able to solve. Next.js app ...Framework ComparisonRedwoodJS
Amy·Mar 27, 2024What's Different? Comparing the Router in Next.js App API, Next.js Pages API, Remix, and RedwoodJSRight now, there are a few key players in the React space: Next.js, Remix, and RedwoodJS. If I stack them next to each other, there are a few key differences. It’s helpful to recognize these, so you can make informed decisions about the tooling and y...Framework ComparisonNext.js
Tom·Mar 24, 2024Bighorn UpdateNine months ago, the RedwoodJS team decided to go all-in on React Server Components. The first version of Redwood that fully supports RSC will begin the Bighorn epoch. Today I’m excited to bring you an update on our work towards that goal. We now hav...RedwoodJS
Kayode·Jun 3, 2023So The Journey Begins - My Startup StoryHi friends 👋🏽. It's been a while since I heard from you. I hope you are doing well and are doing great. Since the last time I wrote here, there have been a lot of interesting things happening to me, both good and otherwise. I wish to write about th...10 likes·31 readsStartups
Tobbe·Feb 25, 2023WebSockets in RedwoodJSRealtime/WebSocket support in Redwood has been requested since forever*. For most people, using something like or is the best choice. But I wanted to see if I could roll my own. (*...462 readsRedwoodJS