Ramu Narasingaramunarasinga.hashnode.dev·Aug 16, 2024Use degit to download a template in your CLI tool.I found a file named “degit” in the Remotion source code. Remotion helps you make videos programatically. In this article, we will look at the following concepts: What is Degit? Build a simple degit function inspired by Remotion’s degit file Wha...degit
Filip Melkafilipmelka.hashnode.dev·Jul 15, 2024How I fully automated my Twitter chess videos with Remotion and AWS♟️https://x.com/_filipmelka/status/1810230746826657842 Lately, I've been playing chess regularly and wanted to do a chess-related project. While searching for inspiration, I came across the Chess API and got an idea. I've also been playing around wit...30 readsRemotion
Eray Erdinerayerdin.com·Jul 5, 2024Making Video in React/Remotion: Slide and RevealThis is how it looks like. https://youtu.be/ttIb8WWxPLg The "Create of the Week" text and the badges on the bottom use this component. Here's the component: import { translateY } from "@remotion/animation-utils"; import { Children, CSSProperties, R...40 readsQuick NoteReact
Samyak Adityasamyakaditya.hashnode.dev·Apr 27, 2024Creating Videos with Code: An Intro to RemotionIn today's digital landscape, motion graphics have become an essential component of engaging content creation. With the rise of React.js, developers now have access to powerful tools for building interactive user interfaces. One such tool that has be...218 reads#codetovideo
Ilija BoshkovforCodeChemblog.codechem.com·Nov 7, 2022How we spent Hacktoberfest 2022October, it’s a month that reminds most people of Halloween and dressing up; however, for developers, it can have a very different meaning. Octobers to a lot of us developers, mean Hacktoberfest and contributing to open source. Most of us have some p...50 likes·230 readsRemotion