Kai Niemiblog.cloudneutral.se·Apr 30, 2023Entity Control Boundary in Spring Boot AppsIntroduction In a previous article, we looked at an architectural pattern named entity-control-boundary (ECB) mapped to Spring meta-annotations for transaction management and retries. That post didn't go very deep into this architectural pattern, whi...764 readsTransaction Management for CockroachDBcockroachdb
Kai Niemiblog.cloudneutral.se·Apr 13, 2023Spring Retry with CockroachDBSpring Retry is a small library for retrying failed method invocations of a transient nature. Typically when interacting with another service over the network, a message broker or database. In this tutorial, we'll look at using spring retry for seria...166 readsTransaction Management for CockroachDBSpringboot
Kai Niemiblog.cloudneutral.se·Dec 8, 2022Transaction Retries using JavaEE and CDI with CMTsIn this post, we'll use the same concept as in Transaction Retries using JavaEE and CDI with BMTs. Only this time with container-managed transactions, or CMTs which is the default mode of operation with JTA. Transaction Retries in JavaEE This article...155 readsTransaction Management for CockroachDBEJB
Kai Niemiblog.cloudneutral.se·Dec 4, 2022Transaction Retries using JavaEE and CDI with BMTsIn a previous post, we demonstrated client-side transaction retries by using meta-annotations and Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP) in Spring Boot. In this post, we'll use a similar concept for a different Java stack: JavaEE (or JakartaEE as it's kno...148 readsTransaction Management for CockroachDBjavaEE
Kai Niemiblog.cloudneutral.se·Jul 24, 2022JPA Best Practices - Explicit and Implicit TransactionsIntroduction This article is part one of a series of data access best practices when using JPA and CockroachDB. The goal is to help reduce the impact of workload contention and to optimize performance. Although most of the principles are fairly frame...1.6K readsJPA Best Practices for CockroachDBSpringboot
Kai Niemiblog.cloudneutral.se·Mar 23, 2021Using Spring Annotations and AOP with CockroachDBOverview Spring and Spring Boot provides a rich ecosystem for building modern applications and services. It's a powerful platform that provides easy-to-use infrastructure abstractions and seamless integration with most databases, messaging systems, c...32 likes·957 readsTransaction Management for CockroachDBSpringboot