Kuldeep Jindanikuldeep-jindani.hashnode.dev·Aug 6, 2024Retrofit API Call with Clean Architecture in Kotlin: A Step-by-Step GuideImplementing Retrofit with Clean Architecture in Kotlin involves several steps to ensure a modular and maintainable codebase. Here's a step-by-step guide: Here we are using Kotlin as a coding language and Clean Architecture, Hilt as a dependency inje...DiscussAndroid
Mayursinh Parmarmayursinhdevblog.hashnode.dev·Jun 17, 2024Building a Modern News App with MVVM, Retrofit, Hilt, Pagging and Jetpack Compose in KotlinHello developers! Today, we're going to create a News application using the MVVM design pattern, Retrofit for network calls, Hilt for dependency injection, and the modern UI toolkit Jetpack Compose for the user interface. Let's dive in and have some ...Discuss·38 readsAndroidAndroid
Dinko Marinacdinkomarinac.dev·Jun 3, 2024Enhancing Your Flutter Project with Typesafe PackagesIntroduction Flutter's popularity has surged thanks to its ability to build beautiful and performant cross-platform applications. Large projects with many teams and developers often face a lot errors on a smaller or a larger scale due to the size of ...Discuss·1.6K readsFlutter
Mehadi Hasan Shakilmehadishakil.hashnode.dev·Jan 6, 2024Master Retrofit with Kotlin CoroutinesIntroduction Retrofit is a widely used networking library for Android app development. It’s developed by Square and designed to make it easier to retrieve and send data between a mobile app and a RESTful web service. let’s jump into the details. Ret...Discuss·5 likes·39 readsAndroid
Drishtant Ranjan Srivastavadrishtant.hashnode.dev·Sep 29, 2023Flutter Magic: Simplifying API Calls with Dio and Retrofit-like AnnotationsFlutter is a popular framework for building cross-platform mobile applications, and one of the common tasks in mobile app development is making API calls to fetch and send data to a server. In this blog post, we'll explore how to make API calls in Fl...Discuss·10 likes·68 readsFlutter
Abou Zuhayrblog.zuhayr.dev·Sep 20, 2023Implementing Retrofit (Part 02) in our App with MVVM & DI in Android: (Day 06)In our previous blog post, we understood why we use Retrofit and how should it be implemented in an MVVM/DI-based architecture. But before we move to our next component, we need to look into a few more concepts/features that Retrofit provides. And to...Discuss·37 readsArchitecture Patterns in AndroidMVVM
Abou Zuhayrblog.zuhayr.dev·Sep 19, 2023Implementing Retrofit (Part 01) in our App with MVVM & DI in Android: (Day 05)In our last blog post, we set up the RoomDB in our project so that we could save data to our local database. We also tried inserting some data into one of our tables. In today's section of this series, we'll try to inject a Retrofit client into our p...Discuss·361 readsArchitecture Patterns in AndroidMVVM
Romman Sabbirrommansabbir.com·Jul 12, 2023Android Networking : Retrofit at a GlanceIf get to know something new by reading my articles, don't forget to endorse me on LinkedIn In the realm of Android development, Retrofit has emerged as a go-to library for handling API communication. Its simplicity, flexibility, and powerful featur...Discuss·1.2K readsAndroid
Abhishek EdlaforDashwave for Mobile Devsdevblogs.dashwave.io·Jul 7, 2023Beginners Guide to Making API calls in AndroidAn API, or Application Programming Interface, can seem intimidating to those new to programming or unfamiliar with APIs. However, think of an API as a restaurant menu: just as a customer orders food without knowing how it is prepared, an API allows a...Discuss·3.2K readsandroid development
Harish SheoranforSparrow Bitsparrowbit.hashnode.dev·Jun 25, 2023Basic MVVM Android AppAbout App We are building a simple MVVM (Model View View-Model) app which is using Rick and Morty API. Basically we are separting our concerns. lets say we want to change request method from GET to POST, we only have made changes in Network Layer. ...Discussandroid app development