Divyansh Goyalhurtbadly.hashnode.dev·Jun 21, 2024Recursively searching files within a directory/repository using RipGrep.So, recently amidst working with the julia language ecosystem under the domains of medical imaging and cross-platform binary packaging subecosystem pacakges, namely MedEye3d.jl and BinaryBuilder.jl, I encountered myself navigating back and forth betw...DiscussBash
Naman Ladblog.namanlad.com·May 18, 2024Supercharge Your CLI: Interactive File Searching with ripgrep and fzfPrerequisites rg - ripgrep command-line tool fzf - fuzzy finder command-line tool bat (optional) - a cat clone with syntax highlighting rg is a search tool that recursively searches for a regex pattern in a given directory. It is similar to the...Discussfzf
Andrej Bartkobartko.hashnode.dev·Dec 13, 2022Efficiently Finding and Replacing Text in Multiple Files Using ripgrep and sedcommand rg "some string" | xargs -d "\n" sed -i "s/some string/another string/g" The command searches for the specified string using ripgrep and pipes the results to xargs, which executes the sed command on each line returned by ripgrep. The sed com...DiscussRipgrep