CryptapeforCryptape·Nov 29, 2024Efficiency Unleashed: Key Upgrades to the CKB Transaction PoolThis post was originally a talk delivered at Common Knowledge Conference (CKCON) 2024 in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Yukang is an open-source enthusiast and a versatile technologist. Now, he is contributing to the CKB core team and Fiber team. Explore more...37 readsTalksBlockchain technology
CryptapeforCryptape·Nov 21, 2024Reaching Design Consensus on CKB Script Execution ModelThis post was originally a talk delivered at Common Knowledge Conference (CKCON) 2024 in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Xuejie Xiao is a blockchain engineer at Cryptape working on CKB. He's the lead developer of CKB Virtual Machine. readsTalksBlockchain technology
CryptapeforCryptape·Nov 15, 2024Spawn: Direct Cross-Script Calling Method in CKB Virtual MachineThis post was originally a talk delivered at Common Knowledge Conference (CKCON) 2024 in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Wanbiao Ye (Mohanson) is a blockchain engineer at Cryptape, specializing in low-level VM and compiler development. His work spans multiple ...33 readsTalksBlockchain development
CryptapeforCryptape·Oct 8, 2024Optimizing C++ Code for CKB-VMThis article documents the optimization efforts to directly port C++ code over to the CKB Virtual Machine (CKB-VM) without any modifications, using Bitcoin’s code as the example. It explores the challenges in tailoring the Bitcoin codebase for CKB-VM...847 readsEngineeringckb·Aug 13, 2024Разбираемся с NaN-boxingСегодня поговорим о таком механизме как NaN boxing, косвенно затронем тему представления значений в формате NaN [Not-a-Number]. Зачем же боксируют между собой значения NaN и что им друг от друга нужно? Давайте вспомним значения битовых полей в предст...137 readsrisc-v
Nicolás·Jul 10, 2024Hardware Open Source? First RISC-V Laptop Launched, Comes with Ubuntu Linux. A Promising Duo.TL;DR One of the key points of RISC-V is its open and free architecture. If we have evolved exponentially with open source, RISC-V bodes well. The open source RISC-V architecture is generating great interest, promising a new era of free and open har...english
Nicolás·Jul 10, 2024Hardware Open Source? Presentan primer laptop RISC-V y viene con Ubuntu Linux. Dupla prometedora.TL;DR Uno de los puntos claves de RISC-V es su arquitectura abierta y libre. Si con el opensource hemos evolucionado exponencialmente, RISC-V tiene buenos augurios. La arquitectura open source RISC-V está causando profundo interés, prometiendo una en Españolespañol·Jul 2, 2024Install Ansible using pip on Risc-vWell I've been trying to contribute to the risc-v ecosystem, and usually I get either overwhelmed by what I'm doing or I get bored... but I do work well when I've got a task on hand, like the one I took below! I've been a fan of what Jeff Geerling d...44 readsansible
Peter·Feb 5, 2024Completing the Introduction to RISC-V courseLast week, I mentioned the edX course LFD110x: Introduction to RISC-V, highlighting its potential for anyone interested in learning about RISC-V architecture as a new session was starting. After going through the course, I noticed that its content cl...riscv
Peter·Jan 31, 2024Introduction to RISC-V course on EdXAs a strong advocate for RISC-V, I firmly believe that one of the most effective ways to accelerate its adoption and deepen community engagement is through education and knowledge sharing. It's a common notion that the intricacies of processor archit...44 readsriscv