Abhishek Kandelblog.abhishekkandel.com.np·Aug 29, 2024Navigating Through Emptiness: Thoughts on Love, Music, and Midnight RoadsIt was one of those nights — the kind where the roads stretch out like quiet rivers, and the city sleeps under a blanket of darkness. The cab’s headlights cut through the emptiness as I stared out the window, watching the world blur past like a fadin...nightwatch
souravistsouravist.in·Jan 23, 2021The Professor on the Bike!This evening, I took an Ola bike ride 🛵to meet two of my batchmates at a spot about 8 kilometers from my place in Bhubaneswar. The rider, an elderly man well past 65, turned out to be a retired Mechanical Engineering🔧 professor. During the ride, h...Bike