Amurru·Feb 9, 2025Cybersecurity Trends 2025: Key Threats and Innovations Shaping the FutureIntroduction As we move further into 2025, the cybersecurity landscape continues to evolve at an unprecedented pace. With rapid technological advancements, increased reliance on digital infrastructure, and an ever-expanding attack surface, businesses...1 likeSecurity
Arka·Jan 10, 2025How Cryptographic Algorithms Safeguard IoT DevicesIntroduction The Internet of Things (IoT) is rapidly transforming how we interact with the world around us. From smart home devices and healthcare wearables to industrial sensors and autonomous vehicles, IoT devices are becoming integral to daily lif...10 likessha-256
Arka·Jan 10, 2025Securing Transactions with Digital Signature Algorithms (DSA)Introduction In the digital age, securing online transactions is paramount. Digital Signature Algorithms (DSA) play a crucial role in ensuring data integrity, authenticity, and non-repudiation. By providing a mechanism to verify the origin and integr...10 likesdigital-signature
Arka·Jan 10, 2025How RSA Algorithm Secures Modern CommunicationIntroduction In an era dominated by digital interactions, securing communication is a top priority. From online banking to email encryption, the RSA algorithm plays a pivotal role in ensuring data security. As one of the most widely used asymmetric e...10 likesRSA
Legos·Jan 10, 2025Hormomophic Encryption - 7 trường sinh linh giá của Chúa Tể Voldemort💡 Nếu bạn đã từng say mê bộ truyện Harry Potter thì chắc các bạn chẳng xa lạ gì với cái tên của “Kẻ mà ai cũng biết là ai đấy” - Chúa tể hắc ám Voldemort. Hắn đã chia linh hồn mình ra làm 7 cái trường sinh linh giá. Muốn tiêu diệt hắn, phải tiêu diệ...Cryptography & BlockchainPaillier
Emin·Oct 28, 2024Kyber KEM: A Quantum-Resistant Lattice-Based Framework for Secure Key Encapsulation (Example in Golang)Cryptography, the science of secure communication, has evolved to address new challenges in a world where traditional encryption techniques may fall short against quantum computers. Quantum computers, capable of processing vast amounts of information...Cryptographykyber
Romman·Oct 28, 2024Data Encryption in Android: A Comprehensive Guide [PART 1]Data encryption is a fundamental part of securing mobile applications, particularly those handling sensitive information like user credentials, tokens, or files. Android provides several encryption techniques and APIs that developers can implement to...81 readsAndroid : Security, Encryption and Secure Practicesfile-based encryption·Oct 27, 2024Public Key Cryptography BasicsIn this article, I will write a write-up for Public Key Cryptography Basics that covers the Common Use of Asymmetric Encryption, RSA, Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange, SSH, Digital Signatures and Certificates, as well as PGP and GPG to understand how publ...29 readsCryptography
Shubham·Oct 12, 2024Step-by-Step RSA Key Generation in JavaScript and Python for BeginnersIn today’s digital world, security is a top priority. One of the key technologies that help in securing data is RSA, an asymmetric cryptographic algorithm widely used for encryption, digital signatures, and secure data transmission. Generating RSA ke...SecurityJavaScript
Abishek·Oct 7, 2024Launch EC2 InstanceTasks For this task, create an EC2 instance with following requirements: 1) The name of the instance must be xfusion-ec2. 2) You can use the Amazon Linux AMI to launch this instance. 3) The Instance type must be t2.micro. 4) Create a new RSA...Cloud PlatformsAWS