wuzhiguocarterblog.wuzhiguo.tech·Jul 29, 2024如何用RSSHub创建自定义RSS源?RSSHub 是一个开源的、轻量的 RSS 生成器,它通过定义路由规则来抓取和生成各类网站的 RSS 源。而 RSSHub Radar 是一个浏览器扩展,它可以帮助你快速生成适合当前网页的 RSSHub 路由。 以下是使用 RSSHub Radar 的简要步骤: 安装 RSSHub Radar 安装浏览器扩展: 进入浏览器的扩展商店,搜索并安装 RSSHub Radar 扩展。 RSSHub Radar for Chrome RSSHub Radar for Firefox 使用...DiscussKnowledge Management Systemdiy rss
Ewan MakforTenten - Headless Development Agencydeveloper.tenten.co·Jun 29, 2024The Ultimate Guide: Building Custom RSS Feeds for Non-RSS Websites (Free Solutions!)To create an RSS feed URL for a website that doesn't have one, you have a few options using GitHub projects or SaaS solutions. Here are some popular choices: GitHub Solutions: a) RSS-Bridge: GitHub: https://github.com/RSS-Bridge/rss-bridge This i...Discussrss
Ricardo Lopesrplopes.hashnode.dev·May 30, 2024Styling Your RSS For a Better WebBefore we had the walled gardens of social media feeds, there was a wonderful time when sites published their feeds in an open format (RSS) that we could subscribe to, free from dopamine-inducing algorithms, creepy targeted ads, and privacy violation...Discussrss
JaredLiujaredliu.hashnode.dev·May 15, 2024Beta Test - Build Your Own AI NewsletterHi everyone 👋 My friends and I have developed a customizable AI-powered info digest tool called Tidyread 🤖. You can subscribe to your favorite RSS feeds, and receive a personalized digest at your preferred time each day. Additionally, you can custo...Discuss·1 likeecho chamber
Cloud Tunedcloudtuned.hashnode.dev·Mar 30, 2024Understanding RSS Feeds: Simplifying Content Consumption in the Digital AgeUnderstanding RSS Feeds: Simplifying Content Consumption in the Digital Age In today's fast-paced digital landscape, staying updated with the latest news, blogs, and content from your favorite websites can be challenging. This is where RSS (Rich Site...Discussrss
iDigiSol Webidigisolweb.hashnode.dev·Feb 20, 2024How To Incorporate An RSS Feed Into Your Flutter AppIncorporating an RSS feed into your Flutter app can provide your users with the latest content from their favorite sources, keeping them engaged and informed. In this guide, we’ll walk through the process of integrating an RSS feed into your Flutter ...DiscussFlutter
Sean Kegelseankegel.com·Feb 3, 2024What I’m Reading - January 2024We finally made it through January! It always seems like such a long month and it was a busy one for me. I’ve been working on a large project at work, freelancing, side projects, and this blog. This is the first of my “What I’m Reading” posts that I ...Discuss·98 readsWhat I'm ReadingLaravel
Sohail Pathaniamspathan.hashnode.dev·Jan 17, 2024RSS to JSON: Usecase and Integration using NodeJSIntroduction: RSS feeds have long been a popular means of delivering content from different sources including websites, blogs, and news sites. Integrating and consuming RSS feeds can become much easier by converting them into JSON format. You can hav...DiscussApyHubrsstojson
Bolaji Ayodejiblog.bolajiayodeji.com·Dec 4, 2023How to Create an Automated Profile README using Nodejs and GitHub ActionsSome years ago, GitHub introduced the new Profile README feature that allowed GitHub users to pin a markdown file on their profile using a special repository named after their GitHub username. Since then, developers have used this file as a quick por...Discuss·49 likes·12.8K readsWeb EngineeringJavaScript
Sohail Pathaniamspathan.hashnode.dev·Aug 21, 2023RSS to JSON: Integrating RSS Feeds into Your ApplicationsRSS feeds have long been a popular means of delivering content from different sources including websites, blogs and news sites. Integrating and consuming RSS feeds can become a lot easier by converting them into JSON format. In this post we look at h...Discussrss