Jyotiprakash Mishrablog.jyotiprakash.org·Nov 22, 2024Reactive Programming in JavaWhy Reactive Programming? Imagine a web server under heavy load, handling thousands of incoming requests. In a traditional imperative setup, every request might spawn a new thread or tie up an existing one, waiting for I/O operations like database re...Reactive Programming
Bikash Mainalibikash8848.hashnode.dev·Jul 7, 2024Why do we need hot/Connectable observable in reactive paradigm (RxJava)?Imagine a scenario where you're implementing a stock price ticker. You want to stream real-time stock prices to multiple users. Each user should see the same prices in real-time from the moment they start observing, not a separate sequence. public cl...Java
Mayursinh Parmarmayursinhdevblog.hashnode.dev·Mar 28, 2024Topic: 12 Understanding ReactiveX in AndroidHello devs, In our previous topic, we talk about Coroutines, right? So in this blog, we talk about ReactiveX. This is also used for performing and handling async tasks like coroutines. Let's explore the ReactiveX. ReactiveX ReactiveX is a library for...Android basic to advanceRxkotlin
Yashika Sharmayashikasharma.hashnode.dev·Jan 6, 2024Strategies for Efficient Reactive Programming ImplementationReactive programming has gained significant traction in recent years as a paradigm that facilitates the development of responsive and scalable applications. It revolves around the idea of building systems that can react to changes in real-time, enabl...reactive framework
Romman Sabbirrommansabbir.com·Dec 7, 2023Understanding Kotlin Coroutine DispatchersIntroduction In this article, we will delve into the realm of Dispatchers in Kotlin Coroutines, exploring their significance in Android development and their role in efficiently managing threads for coroutine execution. As an essential topic for Andr...1 like·592 readsKotlinAndroid
Amit Shekharamitshekhar.hashnode.dev·Nov 13, 2022RxJava Subject - Publish, Replay, Behavior, and AsyncHi, I am Amit Shekhar, Co-Founder @ Outcome School • IIT 2010-14 • I have taught and mentored many developers, and their efforts landed them high-paying tech jobs, helped many tech companies in solving their unique problems, and created many open-sou...1 likeAndroid
Anshul Gautamtech.anshulgautam.in·Mar 25, 2022Reactive Programming using RxJava🎯 What is RxJava? The official documentation defines it as: It is a Java VM implementation of Reactive Extensions. Reactive Extensions is a library for composing asynchronous and event-based programs by using observable sequences. In simpler terms...120 readsrxjava
Kumar Pallavkumarpallav.dev·Jan 9, 2020Creating Observable RxJavaObservable being the most important block of reactive programming , it is important to understand different methods of creating Observable. Observable can be created be created by following methods. just create defer range interval repeat timer from...86 readsJavarxjava
Kumar Pallavkumarpallav.dev·Jan 2, 2020RxJava Reactive RevolutionsReactive is not new in Software Engineering. Within few years, we have seen an increase in reactive solutions at a large scale. Let us look at what reactive programming actually means. Reactive programming is a paradigm that enables programming for s...48 readsJavaJava
Azizul Haq Anantoananto.hashnode.dev·Jan 28, 2020How to handle logs and tracing in Spring WebFlux and microservicesIt was a bumpy journey when I tried to customize and setup logs tracing in WebFlux in one of our projects. WebFlux is really cool to implement the idea of non-blocking servers out of the box in Java. This is built on Reactive Streams and supports ser...3.8K readsSpring