Yadukrishnanyadukrishnan.live·Nov 23, 2023Effective Test Parameterization with ScalaTest TablesIntroduction To manage the software's quality, it is essential to cover the methods with unit/integration tests. However, writing tests for all the methods/classes is not enough. It is important to write proper tests covering all the edge cases. Othe...2 likes·1.6K readsScala
Yadukrishnanyadukrishnan.live·Jun 23, 2023Mastering ScalaTest - Exploring Tagging, Retry, Runner and MoreIntroduction ScalaTest is one of the most popular and oldest testing libraries in Scala. As a result, it is used by a huge majority of the Scala codebase. Other popular testing frameworks are MUnit, uTest and so on. In this blog, I would like to take...1 like·1.7K readsScala
Neenad Ingoleiamninad.hashnode.dev·Mar 18, 2019Organizing Scala Tests For Faster FeedbackWriting tests is a developer's mundane task, and when you follow practices like TDD or BDD, hardly you find any code without any test cases. We all might have seen the testing pyramid in agile and if not then you can read this blog by Martin Fowler o...72 readssbt