Giovanni·Mar 9, 2024Criando um Ambiente Dev - Parte 3Nessa parte da serie vamos personalizar o Windows Terminal e instalar pacotes com os gerenciadores do windows chamados winget e scoop, demostro e dou dicas de quando uso um ou outro.Criando um Ambiente Dev Completo no WindowsWindows
Michael R.·Aug 18, 2023Making the Portable Toolkit More PortableOne problem that may appear when creating a toolkit with Scoop to be used between computers is the minor configuration differences necessary on different computers. For instance, your home directory may be different on a work computer vs your persona...37 readsPortable Scoop ToolkitScoop
Michael R.·Aug 15, 2023Using Scoop to Create a Portable ToolkitScoop provides a wonderful foundation for creating a portable developer's toolkit on Windows systems. What is Scoop? Scoop is a command-line installer for Windows. It is created from Powershell scripts, so it installs easily with few dependencies on ...309 readsPortable Scoop ToolkitScoop
Were Samson·Jan 24, 2023How to Install Planetscale using Scoop on Windows.Instructions to install scoop Scoop is a command-line installer for Windows. It installs programs you know and love, from the command line with a minimal amount of friction. To be able to install and use planetscale we have to install scoop. Command ...11 likes·318 readsPlanetScale