Developer·Sep 16, 2024Overcoming Common Challenges as a Scrum MasterIn the realm of agile software development, the Scrum Master plays a vital role in ensuring the success of the team and the project. In this article, we will explore common challenges that a Scrum Master may encounter, such as resistance to change, s...DiscussScrum Master
Ale·Aug 29, 2024Product OwnerEn lo general, suele conocerse más el rol o función de project manager. Es un rol de escuela clásica y larga data en las diferentes industrias y no solamente del software. Pero con la incorporación y popularización del marco de trabajo scrum, el prod...DiscussScrum
Kevin·Aug 27, 2024Elevate Your Scrum Practice with DACI: Effective Stakeholder Communication and CollaborationEffective communication and collaboration are the backbone of any successful Scrum team, but when you throw business stakeholders into the mix, things can get complicated. That’s where the DACI framework (Driver, Approver, Contributor, Informed) come...Discussagile
LingarajTechhub All About·Aug 26, 2024What is Lean Methodology? Explained SimplyLean methodology is a method to reduce waste while keeping productivity high. It started in manufacturing, especially with the Toyota Production System (TPS). Now, Lean principles are used in many fields, like software development, healthcare, and se...DiscussScrum
LingarajTechhub All About·Aug 22, 2024Understanding the SCRUM Framework: A Complete GuideUnderstanding the Scrum Framework The Scrum framework is a widely adopted methodology within Agile project management, primarily used for developing, delivering, and sustaining complex products. It was initially conceived for software development but...DiscussScrum
Rafael·Aug 21, 2024Scrumban: Unindo o Melhor de Scrum e Kanban para Maximizar a ProdutividadeDando continuidade ao artigo anterior sobre agilidade, vamos explorar o conceito de Scrumban, uma metodologia que combina o melhor de Scrum e Kanban para otimizar a produtividade. Antes de mais nada, é importante destacar que a aplicação de Scrumban ...DiscussAgilidadescrumban
Emma·Aug 21, 2024Agile Testing: The Key to Faster, Higher-Quality ReleasesIf you’ve been a part of a software development project, you know that testing often feels like a bottleneck. Just when you think everything’s ready to go, a bunch of issues get thrown in the face, and you’re back to the drawing board. This is where ...Discuss·2 likesagile testing
Brian·Aug 16, 2024How Long Does it Take to Catch a FishIf you have recently looked at a job board for software engineering positions, you might wonder how we ever developed software before the advent of “agile.” Many job descriptions include agile jargon in the list of applicant requirements, but have ag...Discussagile
Ankit·Aug 6, 2024Project Challenges with Agile MethodologyNow, Everyone talking about Agile, and a lot of software development organizations trying to become agile. so, what exactly is Agile? Agile is not just used in Software development but it is also used across many different industries and domains. Be...Discussagile
Rafael·Jul 30, 2024Um pouco sobre agilidade em desenvolvimento de softwareMuito se fala em ser ágil, mas precisamos entender um pouco da origem e do motivo de que as grandes empresas precisam ser ágeis. Antes de iniciar esse artigo, o conteúdo faz parte de uma apresentação que fiz aqui na empresa em que trabalho. Eu inicio...Discuss·1 like·31 readsAgilidadeagilidade