Export Office 365 Mailbox to PSTkrtimax.hashnode.dev·Sep 19, 2024How can you back up SharePoint Online to local storage?SharePoint Online is great for cloud storage. It's also super secure. But having a backup on your local storage is like wearing a seatbelt. It gives you that extra protection. This way, you're safe from losing data, server issues, or even mistakes we...Discusssharepoint backup
Ketkee Mankarpowerketgeek.hashnode.dev·Sep 15, 2024Types of columns in SharePoint listThere are many types of columns in SharePoint list. Go to SharePoint list: https://w56vt.sharepoint.com/sites/FirstSite/Lists/Staff%20Info/AllItems.aspx Click on: Add column, you will see the list of column types in SharePoint. Here are the ty...DiscussSharePoint
Ketkee Mankarpowerketgeek.hashnode.dev·Sep 15, 2024How to create a list in SharePoint site?Go to your SharePoint site: https://w56vt.sharepoint.com/_layouts/15/sharepoint.aspx?&login_hint=ketkee@w56vt.onmicrosoft.com Click on: New. Now, Click on: List. Click on: Blank list if, you want to start from blank list. Click on: From exist...Discuss#listcreation
Ketkee Mankarpowerketgeek.hashnode.dev·Sep 15, 2024How to create a SharePoint Team site?To create a Team site, follow the steps given below: Open SharePoint Online: https://w56vt.sharepoint.com/_layouts/15/sharepoint.aspx?&login_hint=ketkee@w56vt.onmicrosoft.com Click on : Create Site Click on : Team Site You will be dir...DiscussSharePoint
Ketkee Mankarpowerketgeek.hashnode.dev·Sep 14, 2024Types of SharePoint sitesThere are two types of SharePoint sites: Team sites Communication sites While creating a SharePoint site we can select if we want to build a communication site or a team site depending upon our usage. Each of these sites have prebuilt templates w...Discuss#typesofsharepointsites
Ketkee Mankarpowerketgeek.hashnode.dev·Sep 14, 2024What is a SharePoint site?SharePoint is a web based platform from Microsoft Corporation. It is a cloud service which organizations use to create secure websites. The employees of the organization can share and manage the information inside their organization. Objective The m...DiscussSharePoint
Ahmad Jad Alhakahmadjadalhak.hashnode.dev·Aug 25, 2024Improve SPFx Projects Using Custom Hooks for Enhanced Performance and ReusabilityReact Hooks represent the modern way of writing React applications. By adopting Hooks in your SPFx projects, you're not only improving your current development workflow but also future-proofing your codebase. As the React ecosystem continues to evolv...DiscussSharePoint
Chino Ikwuegbubeata.hashnode.dev·Jul 12, 2024SharePoint Sites: A Guide to Better Team CollaborationIntroduction We live in a world where everything moves quickly and everyone is connected, teams that work well together are key to an organization's success. Sharing information easily, discussing ideas, and aiming for shared goals are all very impor...DiscussSharePointFramework
$€®¥09@Prospfx-app.dev·Sep 7, 2023SPFx SharePoint Development: Quickly Generate List-Based Models Using a Single CommandIn a recent post, I shared my CLI @spfxappdev/cli which has some awesome features. Many of these features come from my other posts, like "My personal tips how to configure a SPFx project after creation" Today I published a new version of the CLI, v1....Discuss·619 readssPfx
CloudStakes Technologycloudstakes.hashnode.dev·May 25, 2023Installing PnP PowerShell for SharePoint Online and Azure Cloud ShellSharePoint Patterns and Practices (PnP) contains a library of PowerShell commands (PnP PowerShell) that allows you to perform complex provisioning and artifact management actions towards SharePoint. What is PnP? It is a cross-platform PowerShell, and...Discuss·132 readsSharePoint