Shrikant·Jun 22, 2023How to Add Google Ad Sense in Next.js 13 With App Router, Auto Ads and Unit AdsHello everyone! Today, I'm going to talk about how to run Google AdSense and Google AdSense ad units. The Problem We can add the AdSense code in the head tag of a Next.js 13 app router, but the problem arises when dealing with Google AdSense ad units...70 readsGoogleAdsense
Shrikant·Oct 16, 2022How to Merge Multiple Data frames with same columns In Pandas | PythonHello Everybody, So Today I just faced this issue of merging multiple excels in one and there size was too big for merging like more 100 MB for Size and In Some Cases the size spans more and if we tried to search any online tool they mostly have size...155 readspandas
Shrikant·Aug 29, 2022How to work with Python's normal venv and pipenv simultaneouslyWhy Need to solve this issue. So I Just Want to Use pipenv but do not want my venv folder to built in my automatically decided location and also want to use pipenv automatically building the requirements list. So For Resolving this issue I build a me...1 like·229 readsPython
Shrikant·Aug 26, 2022Get user location from browser using JavaScript | Solutions By ShriekDjSo today i am gonna share you some code and details about how to ask the customer there own location and submit in a form using Geolocation API of Web Browser Using JavaScript. But Before Copying and Pasting the Code Be Aware this feature only work o...160 readsJavaScript
Shrikant·Aug 23, 2022Creating HTML Template And Views | Django CMS Building By shriekdjIn This Post I Will Create Html Pages for the site and as well as show how to use and First Create a folder named templates in blog app in django app and add update the variable in django_project_name/ like given below imp...2 likes·166 readsCreating Custom CMS In Django | Django CMS Building By shriekdjPython
Shrikant·Aug 22, 2022Creating Custom Profile and Tag | Django CMS Building By shriekdjSo Now I am Trying to Create 2 New Models for the CMS Which Are User Profile and Blog Tags but before That I Want to Say Some Reconfiguration Made By In The GitHub Repository During The Series. I Just Renamed The Django Project from dj_admin to confi...181 readsCreating Custom CMS In Django | Django CMS Building By shriekdjDjango
Shrikant·Aug 13, 2022Customizing Slug Field for Post Model | Django CMS Building By shriekdjSo In Previous Post I Created The Simple Django Model of the BlogPost Which Stores Data Like Given Below. class Post(models.Model): title = models.CharField(verbose_name='title', max_length=255, null=False) content = models.TextField(verbose_...1 like·144 readsCreating Custom CMS In Django | Django CMS Building By shriekdjDjango
Shrikant·Jun 30, 2022I Published the Python Package on PyPi : pip install google-address-to-latlong-csvSo today I Published an python package first time in my life. Now This is a Python 3 Package which gets the list of data of addresses from an csv file and gives an output as csv with additional fields of latitude and longitude of the address provided...1 like·88 readspypi