Manoj·Mar 26, 2024Android - Modify hosts fileI use Cordova to bundle a web application as a native app for ease of distribution. To test the site locally, but on the simulator, I needed to modify the hosts file on the Android simulator to point the test domain to the host machine: Start the em...DiscussAndroid
Shubham·Oct 19, 2023Emulator VS SimulatorBoth the emulators and simulators are used for testing and research to mimic the behavior of a specific hardware or software environment. Emulator Emulators are used to mimic the behavior of a hardware environment. In simple terms, it looks like the ...Discussemulators
Jake·Oct 15, 2023MARIE: Simulating a fake architecture for... funsies?M.A.R.I.E. Have you heard of MARIE before? Probably not. It stands for Machine Architecture that is Really Intuitive and Easy, and you can read more about it here if you're so inclined. Essentially, it was designed for Academia, for teaching students...Discusssimulator
Hyunwoo·Aug 24, 2023Introduction of IAR Visual State - 2In the last article, I went through how to implement a state machine in IAR Visual State. This article, as I mentioned before, covers how to use Verificator and how to verify the design with the simulator. Verificator is located here: Project>Verify ...DiscussIARVisualStateIARVisualState
Daniel Kaš·Aug 17, 2023error [PHPhotosErrorDomain] -1: The operation couldn’t be completed. (PHPhotosErrorDomain error -1.)If you're seeing PHPhotosErrorDomain error -1 after attempting to add an image to Simulator via xcrun simctl addmedia <simulatorID> image.jpeg it might be because the image.jpeg is in a folder that is synced to your iCloud Drive. Just copy the file t...Discuss·54 readsXcode·May 3, 2023OEE-simulators IntroductionIntroduction OEE-simulators microservice The Cumulocity IoT OEE application is a powerful tool for measuring the efficiency, effectiveness, and performance of production processes. By breaking down processes into the three components of Availability...Discussiot
Andreea·Feb 10, 2023How To Use WebDriverWait In Selenium C#The more you work with Selenium automation, the more you will come across various exceptions, such as NoSuchElementException (when an element is not visible on the page) or StaleElementReferenceException. Or there will be times when you will try to i...Discuss·205 readsselenium
Sackarias·Dec 29, 2022Modeling and simulating a Cart-Pole systemThe Cart-Pole is a classic problem in dynamical systems and control theory. The goal is for a controller to balance an inverted pendulum (or several) on top of a cart by moving the cart backward and forwards, violently swinging the pole around until ...Discuss·578 readsCart-Polesimulator
Shahzeb·Sep 22, 2022The Ultimate Mobile App Testing ChecklistThe mobile app industry is thriving and accelerating at an unprecedented pace. This has led to a significant increase in the number of apps available for download by the end-users. Mobile apps are responsible for a lot of changes in the way people wo...Discussmobile app
Amrita·Jun 14, 2022What Are Virtual Devices And How To Use Them For Testing?Websites, web apps, and mobile apps are the three important conglomerates of the Internet world. When you open your browser, you are bound to see a page on your screen that would determine the future of someone’s business deals. A lot of workmanship ...Discussvirtual device