José Pablo Ramírez·Nov 12, 2023Single-SPA Parcels and vite-plugin-single-spaWelcome, everyone, to the next topic in the single-spa arena: Parcels. These are pieces of user interfaces that are meant to be used as "utilities" from anywhere in your application, and since your application is built by glueing together mini applic...1 like·1.0K readsSingle-SPA & Svelte: My Journeysingle-spa
José Pablo Ramírez·Aug 13, 2023Injecting Micro-Frontend CSS in single-spaOnce more we gather together around the fascinating topic of making Vite projects work with single-spa. Today's topic is most likely a very awaited one: How does one inject a micro-frontend's CSS into the page that loads it? By the way, note that thi...1 like·1.3K readsSingle-SPA & Svelte: My Journeysingle-spa
José Pablo Ramírez·Aug 3, 2023vite-plugin-single-spa: Vite Projects Made single-spa Compatible with One Plug-InHello, everyone. In this article, I will cover how to use vite-plugin-single-spa to create Vite-based single-spa projects, both root projects and microservice projects. I will be explaining how the plug-in works, why it works the way it does, and wha...11 likes·3.3K readsSingle-SPA & Svelte: My Journeysingle-spa
José Pablo Ramírez·Jul 24, 2023single-spa and Vite: Fast-Forward to vite-plugin-single-spaHello, everyone! Here I am, after many weeks of "inactivity" in this area of expertise. But no worries, as I have come back with important updates regarding my efforts into understanding and conquering the desired coupling of Vite projects and single...2 likes·720 readsSingle-SPA & Svelte: My Journeyvite
José Pablo Ramírez·May 1, 2023Making your Vite Project Standalone and single-spa SimultaneouslyHeredia, Costa Rica Published: 2023-05-01 2023-08-04 UPDATE: A Vite plug-in is now available. Refer to this article. Furthermore, help us improve Vite for single-spa by upvoting this discussion. Ok, welcome to part two of my single-spa series. In th...13 likes·3.0K readsSingle-SPA & Svelte: My Journeysingle-spa
José Pablo Ramírez·Apr 30, 2023I Want to Start Using single-spa: The BasicsHeredia, Costa Rica Published on 2023-04-30 Hello! I haven't written anything for a long time due to other obligations, but let's see if I can attract your interest to this new series. It all started with me wanting to move (at work) our current cus...2 likes·1.9K readsSingle-SPA & Svelte: My JourneySveltekit