김한결kyulog.hashnode.dev·3 hours agoBlockchain Transaction트랜잭션(Transaction)이란 지갑 주소를 갖는 계정에 의해 서명된 메시지다. 이는 RLP 인코딩 체계로 시리얼라이즈된 것이고 블록체인 네트워크에서 네이티브 토큰을 전송하거나 스마트 컨트랙트를 통해 상태를 변경하는 등 모든 일의 시발점이 된다. Transaction의 구조 트랜잭션은 아래와 같은 데이터를 포함하는 구조이다. nonce 재사용 방지 목적의 트랜잭션 일련 번호 gasPrice 트랜잭션 발생지가 지급할 가스 gasLi...DiscussBlockchain
Mansoor Buttmansoor-eth.hashnode.dev·Nov 21, 2024Storing Dynamic Type in SolidityWhen Storing Dynamic type data , We don’t explicitly store the data in the next immediate slot, instead we only store the address of the slot where the element of that index is , In simpler words we are basically storing the “Pointer” to the actual a...DiscussMastering the EVMSmart Contracts
Mansoor Buttmansoor-eth.hashnode.dev·Nov 19, 2024Storing Static Type in Solidity's StorageLet’s first have a look at the Code contract Demo{ uint256 a 1234 // slot 0 uint8 b = 0x12; // slot 1 uint8[6] c = [1,2,3,4,5,6]; // line 4 (slot 2) uint256[2] d = [10,20] // line 5 slot(3 & 4) function getSlotvalue(uint slot) public...DiscussMastering the EVMSolidity
Gurnoor SinghforWriting Your First Smart Contractwriting-your-first-smart-contract.hashnode.dev·Nov 19, 2024Remix and Writing Your First Smart ContractIntroduction to Solidity and Remix .sol File Extension: Files with the .sol extension are Solidity contracts. SPDX License Identifier (// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT): Although not required by the compiler, including this identifier is recommended...DiscussBlockchain
Mansoor Buttmansoor-eth.hashnode.dev·Nov 18, 2024Storage in Structs (Solidity)Lets first look at the code contract A { struct SomeStruct{ uint256 val1; uint16 val2; bool val3; } uint256 a = 3; // slot 0 uint256 b = 0x555 // slot 1 SomeStruct structVar = SomeStruct(0x2345,5,true) // Line 10 function getSlotVal(u...DiscussSolidity
Samarth Saxenaawesamarth.hashnode.dev·Nov 15, 2024Mainnet Forking in FoundryIntroduction When developing smart contracts, we often need to interact with contracts that have already been deployed. It would not be a smart decision to deploy the contract and test it on Mainnet using real ETH. But, thankfully for us, there is a ...DiscussFoundry ModeBlockchain
Hussaina Usmanhussaina.hashnode.dev·Nov 14, 2024What Are Smart Contracts and How Are They Revolutionizing Finance?Smart contracts are one of the core building blocks of Web3 and decentralized finance (DeFi). They promise a future where transactions can be executed automatically without intermediaries, adding speed and trust to digital agreements. But what exactl...DiscussSmart Contracts
RivanorthProblog.rivanorth.com·Nov 13, 2024Hack Explained - DeltaPrime 2DeltaPrime, a decentralised finance (DeFi) protocol, operating on the Arbitrum and Avalanche blockchains, suffered its second security incident in a matter of months, leading to the loss of approximately $4.85 million. DeltraPrime lost $6 million in ...DiscussWeb3Security
Kehinde Sodiqdevadejare.hashnode.dev·Nov 12, 2024Smart Contracts: Transforming Traditional ContractsTHE IMPACT OF SMART CONTRACTS ON THE INDUSTRIES LIKE FINANCE, REAL ESTATE AND SUPPLY CHAINS. What are Smart Contracts? A smart contract is a self-executing contract with the terms of the agreement written directly into code. It operates on blockchai...DiscussBlockchain
Daciandacian.me·Nov 10, 2024Find Highs Before External Auditors Using Invariant Fuzz TestingMany high severity findings found during private audits by external auditors could have been found by the protocol developers themselves using invariant fuzz testing prior to engaging external auditors. While this doesn’t require developing an “attac...Discuss·14 likes·878 readsDeep DivesEthereum