Aaron Sherrillaaronsherrill.com·Feb 4, 2025American Express EarlyPayAmerican Express aimed to enhance its B2B services by developing EarlyPay, a platform designed to improve cash flow management through early invoice payments. The project required a deep understanding of accounts payable processes and the financial d...ProjectsUX
Anirudh Singh Bhadauriaanirudhbhadauria.hashnode.dev·Jan 17, 2025Understanding Eventual Consistency ✨What is Eventual consistency? 🤔 In a distributed data warehouse system, Updates made to the data stored are eventually reflected to data stored in all the nodes. This means that while there might be a temporary period where different nodes show di...1 likeEventualConsistencyl
Priyanka Sharmatechscoop.hashnode.dev·Jan 14, 2025Simplifying Software Architecture: A Guide to MVC, MVP, and MVVMHey, Tech Scoopers! I've been thinking a lot about how we can make our software development more organized and maintainable. One thing that's always fascinated me is how we can break down complex applications into simpler, manageable pieces. Today, I...software architecture
Jean-Luc Mupasajeanlucmupasa.hashnode.dev·Dec 20, 2024Elevate Code Quality Through Agile Test-Driven Development MethodsTable of Contents Introduction 1.1. A Brief History What is TDD? 2.1. What TDD is Not 2.2. What TDD Is How Long Does It Take to Learn TDD? Advantages & Disadvantages 4.1. Advantages of TDD 4.2. Disadvantages of TDD Demonstration 5.1. Red Phase: ...8 likes·147 readsTDD (Test-driven development)
Cyrille N'DAH23cyy.hashnode.dev·Nov 25, 2024Introduction au Software DesignLa conception logicielle, ou Software Design, est une étape cruciale dans le développement d'un logiciel. Elle représente le processus qui consiste à transformer des besoins fonctionnels et non fonctionnels en une architecture logicielle claire, cohé...31 readssoftware design
Mohamad Haidaroop-blog.hashnode.dev·Oct 22, 2024Reducing Behavioral Coupling in Object-Oriented DesignIn object-oriented programming (OOP), tight coupling often arises when a class assumes too many responsibilities or when one concern is spread across many classes rather than having its own. This can lead to a rigid codebase that’s difficult to exten...software design
Jadesola Adeagbojadesolaadeagbo.hashnode.dev·Oct 20, 2024Exploring Software Design PrinciplesDevelopers often encounter a lot of bugs whenever trying to scale an application and add new features. This is why software design principles are important, because these principles guide programmers in building sustainable and maintainable software ...25 likes·30 readssoftware development
Dhanunjaiah Rajagopald-blogs.hashnode.dev·Oct 19, 2024Five Steps to Overcome Complex Design IssuesDesigning complex systems can often feel overwhelming, especially when you’re tasked with ensuring scalability, flexibility, and reliability. To simplify the process, using a structured approach can be really helpful. In this blog, we'll break down a...learning
Praveen Agrawalpraveenagrawal.hashnode.dev·Oct 15, 2024Mastering Software Architecture: An Intro to ADD and Key Architecture StructuresMastering software architecture involves understanding and applying various architectural structures to meet system properties like security, availability, and maintainability. Not all software structures are considered architectural; only those that...Architecture & DesignAttribute Driven Design
dumbestprogrammerdumbestprogrammer.hashnode.dev·Sep 19, 2024SOLID Principles: A Clarity JourneyI started with Head First Design Patterns by Eric Freeman and Elisabeth Robson, which gave me a solid introduction to system design principles. Initially, it felt pretty straightforward, but as I delved into the SOLID principles, I became confused in...2 likes·141 readsSOLID principles