William Hustonthequantumnode.hashnode.dev·Feb 14, 202504 - Keep That Same Energy: How Telecommunications is Pioneering Sustainable EnergyIn the era of rapid digitalization, telecommunications has emerged not only as the backbone of global connectivity but also as a leader in sustainable energy innovation. From leveraging cutting-edge heat displacement technologies to embracing renewab...Telecommunications
LoveChiplovechip.hashnode.dev·Nov 28, 2024How to make a 360º Solar Tracker?1. Understand the Requirements A 360º solar tracker typically has two axes of movement: Horizontal Axis (Azimuth): Rotates the panel from east to west during the day. Vertical Axis (Elevation): Adjusts the angle of the panel based on the sun’s he...solar energy
Healthy Solarblog.healthysolar.in·Aug 6, 2024How to Calculate Solar Panel Requirements from Electricity Bills.With the rising costs of electricity and increasing environmental awareness, many homeowners are turning to solar power as a sustainable and cost-effective energy solution. If you're considering making the switch to solar energy, one of the first ste...28 readssolar energy
Erika Barnuevoerika31.hashnode.dev·Jun 24, 2024The Evolution of Solar Technology: Insights from Jiangsu SolarmanHarnessing the charged energy of Solar Energy: An Insight into Jiangsu Solarman's development of Solar Technology Introduction: The necessity for clean power supply like solar technology may not be overemphasized due to the known fact incidence of we...Energy
Homans Ropikdhomansropikd47.hashnode.dev·Jun 24, 2024Jiangsu Solarman's Technological Advancements: Setting New StandardsJiangsu Solarman's Technological Advancements: Developing New Standards Jiangsu Solarman is a company that is continuing is targeted on the manufacturing of solar power panels plus energy that are solar. They have recently made advancements of their ...solar
Waran GBicecappman.hashnode.dev·Apr 5, 2024Leveraging Code for Optimal Solar Farm Operations: Insights from Waran Gajan BilalAs a solar farm owner, Waran Gajan Bilal knows that maximizing energy production and operational efficiency is paramount to the success and sustainability of his venture. In the pursuit of these goals, he harnesses the power of code as an invaluable ...solar
Patrick D. Ruppforhuebschen.wtfhuebschen.wtf·Mar 26, 2024Smart battery with Zendure, Tibber and NodeRedI have an 820W balcony solar system, feeding into a Zendure SolarFlow with two 960Wh batteries and then going through a Hoymiles HM-800 into my home. My goal was to store the solar energy in the batteries, and if the energy prices are higher, dischar...192 readszendure
Ignatius UkwuomaforIG Energy Blogblog.igenergy.africa·Jan 29, 2024IG Energy Solar PackagesAs a solar energy sales and installation company, we offer a range of energy systems that you can set up in your home or office to provide 24/7 power supply. You can choose to purchase the equipment only from us or have us setup the complete system f...2.4K readssolar
Om ShuklaforALT Investorblog.thealtinvestor.in·Sep 20, 2023Company Profile: SundayGrids (Digital Solar)KEY TAKEAWAYS SundayGrids offers a unique Digital Solar service that allows individuals to invest in commercial solar projects and use the returns to offset their electricity bills, providing a solar experience without physical installation. Projec...10 likes·2.1K readsCompany Profilessundaygrids review
沛米科技forJobdone 部落格 | 跨組織工程現場 PMIS 專案管理blog.jobdone.cc·Jul 7, 2023資產價值低、維護成本高的運維管理跟一個客戶對維護的需求前後討論了五次,解釋並修正了維護軟體的提案,但每次簡報方案總是有什麼地方不對。雙方用一樣的動詞、名詞、形容詞溝通,再三的定義用字、確認流程及 wireframe 操作後,但客戶還是覺得哪裡不對。希望系統能提供後續的分析很多,但又不希望花太多工?! 後來終於搞懂了,客戶的確很重視資產(設備)的運作,在意資產的故障因素,但卻不在意資產本身的價值。因為他們的設備是用換的,不是用修的。一個場域設備數百上千,但最貴也可能只要十萬。連設備的原廠都不派人來修,壞了就換一個。當然價值稍高的...場域與設備維運solar