Abhishek Singhabhishek-singh-kirola.hashnode.dev·16 hours agoUnderstand Css Specificity Algorithm. 💡Have you ever wondered why sometimes your CSS doesn’t apply to an element the way you expect it to? It might seem like other CSS properties are overriding your styles. This happens because of the CSS specificity algorithm. In this article, we’ll expl...10 likes·33 reads#css algo
K Raghavdecoding-css.hashnode.dev·Jan 24, 2025CSS Specificity AlgorithmWhat is CSS? CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets. But what does "Cascading" mean? It refers to how styles override one another. By default, every browser has its own user agent stylesheet. This means that when you write an HTML structure, the brows...10 likesChaiCode
himanshublogs-himanshu.hashnode.dev·Jan 23, 2025Understanding the CSS Specificity Algorithm: A Beginner's GuideThere are different ways for the CSS to apply the style to the given element through class, id or the element itself. Have you ever wondered, how the CSS will determine which style should be applied if all these are pointing to same element but have ...10 likesChaiCode
Renil Garalarenilpatel.hashnode.dev·Jan 23, 2025CSS Basic - Styling the WebAfter creating the structure of our website, we will style the website. For styling we use CSS. CSS Stand for cascading style sheets. Browser have some default styling. this stylesheet is called user agent stylesheets. you cannot change stylesheet ...ChaiCode
Sanket Singhcss-basics.hashnode.dev·Jan 22, 2025Basics of CSS and Specificity AlgorithmIn modern era nobody like the website having on HTML! I ask to you, why do you like your favourite ? Well, most of the developers answer same, because of it’s user interface. You like you favourite website’s animations, it’s color and theme. Do you e...5 likes·43 readsWeb Development
Tanmay Bangecodexknight.hashnode.dev·Jan 19, 2025CSS Specificity Made Simple: Know Which Style Wins!CSS specificity determines which styles apply to an element when multiple CSS rules match. Understanding this concept is crucial for writing clean, maintainable, and conflict-free stylesheets. Let’s break it down step by step. What is CSS Specificity...40 readsChaiCode
Eleftheria Batsoueleftheriabatsou.hashnode.dev·Nov 17, 2024Understanding CSS Specificity: Guide to Style Rule ImportanceHola, CSS enthusiasts! Introduction 🙌 Ever wondered why your CSS styles sometimes don't apply as expected? You're about to unravel one of CSS's most enigmatic concepts: Specificity. Think of it as a game of chess where every selector you choose is a...10 likes·32 reads🖱CSS Art and small HTML/CSS/JS projects [Codepen]CSS
Byung Joo Jeongjoo.hashnode.dev·Jul 20, 2024CSS : Calculating Specificity With The CalculatorSpecificity Calculator Link https://specificity.keegan.st/ --> This Calculator has no inline specificity, but this is useful tool commonly. Specificity Hierarchy Inline styles > IDs > Classes, attributes, and pseudo-classes \>Elements and pseudo-elem...#Specificity Calculator
Miriam Mildredmiriamakinyie.hashnode.dev·Apr 18, 2024Css Specificity, Selectors and InheritenceUnderstanding the concept of CSS Specificity, Selectors and Inheritance CSS – The Backbone of Web Design If HTML is the skeleton of a web page, then CSS is the flesh and blood that brings it to life. It's the language that paints our online world wit...CSS-Inheritancee
Kirstykirsty.hashnode.dev·Apr 9, 2024What is CSS specificity, and how to avoid headaches.Selector specificity in CSS is what will determine what styles are applied in the event of a conflict in styles. An example would be if you had a paragraph and wanted it to be red. You applied color: red using a type selector (p), but you also appl...20 likesCSS3