Hemant Besracodeinjava.hashnode.dev·Mar 15, 2024Spring core and JDBCLets make a project to fetch data from a table. I have MySQL installed in my machine, below is the details. Now, as we all know that to connect to DB in java we need a JDBC Driver, i have downloaded MySql JDBC Driver jar "mysql-connector-j-8.0.31.ja...Spring FrameworkJDBC
Kai Niemiblog.cloudneutral.se·Sep 22, 2022Bulk Update/Upserts with Spring Data JDBCIn a previous post Batch Statements with Spring Boot and Hibernate we used the PostgreSQL JDBC driver's reWriteBatchedInserts setting to batching INSERT statements for better performance (about 30%). This driver-level "rewrite" however only works for...1.8K readscockroachdb