Yug Jadvanitheyugjadvani.hashnode.dev·Nov 8, 2024CSR vs SSR vs SSG vs ISR: A Deep Dive for Modern Web DevelopmentIn the vast landscape of web development, navigating the acronyms CSR, SSR, SSG, and ISR can feel like trying to read a secret code. Yet these techniques are foundational to modern web development, affecting everything from how fast a site loads to h...Discuss·4 likesWeb Development
arnaud akotonoublog.femidev.com·Oct 14, 2024Comment gérer efficacement le contenu de votre site web avec NextJs et HygraphTout d’abord qu’est-ce que Hygraph ? Hygraph est un CMS "headless" (Content Management System), c’est-à-dire un gestionnaire de contenu dépourvu de toute partie liée au layout ou aux thèmes, contrairement à WordPress. Il n’est pas attaché à un framew...Discuss·1 like·57 readsNext.js
Shubham Mehtashubham-mehta.hashnode.dev·Sep 23, 2024Client Side Rendering (CSR) vs Server Side Rendering (SSR)While developing a web application or website from scratch, a developer has to make many decisions that can significantly impact performance and user experience, especially how the content is rendered on the view. First, let's understand what renderi...Discuss·1 like·301 readsClient-side rendering
SURVEERsurveer.hashnode.dev·Aug 13, 2024Master API Routes in Next.js with This Detailed GuideHi Guys! In this blog I want to share with you all about API's in Nextjs, how to build and manage them. Looking at it from a development side, it makes our work a whole lot easier for us to just write the frontend and backend in the same project and ...DiscussNext.js
Cindy Muthonidevmoran.hashnode.dev·Jul 4, 2024Understanding SSR and SSG🌟Web development has seen significant advancements in recent years, with technologies evolving to provide better performance, user experience, and developer efficiency. Two prominent methods of generating web pages are Server-Side Rendering (SSR) and ...Discuss·10 likesSSR and SSG