Mihai Popescujavainterviewprep.hashnode.dev·Feb 3, 2025Most Used Coding exercisesMany coding problems in interviews are variations of common problem patterns. Recognizing these patterns and their solutions can help you solve many problems efficiently. Below is a breakdown of common problem categories similar to Two Sum and their ...Java
Himanshu Yadavyadavhimanshu.hashnode.dev·Jan 26, 2025How to Choose the Right Tech Stack for Your ProductChoosing the right tech stack is a bit like picking the perfect ingredients for your favorite dish. Get it wrong, and you might end up with something that doesn’t taste quite right! So, how do you make sure your tech stack is just what you need? Let’...technology
Eniola Bakareeniola-bakare.hashnode.dev·Jan 20, 2025Step-by-Step Guide to Implementing Stack and Queue in JavaScriptIntroduction Data structures are techniques for storing data for efficient data access and manipulation in a system. This is a build-up to the previous elaborate article on implementing a linked list in JavaScript. Stacks and queues are abstract data...10 likes·38 readsA Working Understanding of Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA)Data Storage
Sergey Shishkinserj-aleks.hashnode.dev·Jan 13, 2025push и пушка с общей этимологией?Сегодня три функции - push, push1, push1q. Реализация стека. Соотвественно, с использованием списка в переменной (аргументы добавляются к списку значений) и с поддержкой уникального списка в переменной, когда каждый аргумент добавляется к списку знач...picolisp
Tapan Rachchhtapanrachchh.hashnode.dev·Jan 12, 20252116. Check if a Parentheses String Can Be Validclass Solution: def canBeValid(self, s: str, locked: str) -> bool: l = len(s) if l % 2 != 0: return False openBrackets = [] unlocked = [] for i, e in enumerate(s): if locked[i] == '0': ...Python
Sergey Shishkinserj-aleks.hashnode.dev·Jan 5, 2025list vs массиваЕщё одна классическая функция Lisp, простая для понимания, но инициализируящая принципиальные аспекты организации памяти в вычислительной архитектуре. 5-ого января акцентируем класс и целых пять функций их банальным перечислением - maplist , lst? , l...picolisp
Bhanuprakash Eagalabhanuprakasheagala.hashnode.dev·Jan 3, 2025Understanding the StackHello and welcome! Today, we'll explore the stack and its important role in program execution. This morning, I wondered whether the stack is just an abstract concept or if it exists in physical memory. How is the logical concept of the stack connecte...stack
Brett Rowberrybrettrowberry.com·Jan 2, 2025Prepending to Living Agenda DocumentsImagine you have a recurring meeting with an agenda open to contributions by all participants. Many meetings in the workplace are like this: 1:1s Sprint demos Team operational reviews Perhaps the agenda is written in a Google Doc or a Confluence...Everyday AlgorithmsDocuments
Anish sharmalearneasyway.hashnode.dev·Dec 24, 2024StackA stack is a linear data structure that follows the first-in-last-out principle. This means the last element added to the stack will be the first one removed. A stack is similar to an array, but in a stack, you control how data is added and removed. ...stack
Legos Lightlegos.hashnode.dev·Dec 20, 2024Ký pháp nghịch đảo Ba Lan💡 Ký pháp nghịch đảo Ba Lan (Reversed Polish Notation), còn được gọi là ký pháp Łukasiewicz, hoặc đơn giản là ký pháp hậu tố, là một ký pháp toán học trong đó các toán tử đứng sau toán hạng của chúng. Điểm đặc biệt của ký pháp này là không cần bất k...Programming & Algorithmspolishnotation