Polkam Srinidhinidhiblog.hashnode.dev·Jul 4, 2024Day 5 Python 2024Sure! Here's a brief overview of Linked Lists in Python to help you prepare for your interview. Linked Lists Overview A linked list is a linear data structure where each element is a separate object. Each element (node) of a list comprises two items:...54 readsPython
Vineeth Chivukulavineethchivukula.hashnode.dev·Jun 23, 2024Understanding Java Stack for DSAA Stack in Java is a data structure that follows the Last-In-First-Out (LIFO) principle. This means that the last element added to the stack will be the first one to be removed. The Stack class in Java extends the Vector class, which means it inherit...stack
Back2Lobbyreid.hashnode.dev·May 29, 2024Stack Data StructureWe covered array and linked lists in previous article. Now we got a much simpler data structure "Stack". It represents a simple list which only allows you to extract/read items one by one. One important thing is you can only read/extract the latest i...DSAstack
Kali Baranwalkalibaranwal.hashnode.dev·May 18, 2024STACKS in C++WHAT IS STACK? It is a linear data structure and also an abstract data type ,where we can do only operation in a specific manner. It works on the LIFO (last in first out) or FILO (first in last out) system. LIFO means the elements which is inserted l...#StackDataStructure
Aditya Vaasudev Badityavaasudevb.hashnode.dev·May 10, 2024Stacks 101: A Beginner's OverviewIntroduction Whether it's items in a store or books in a library, once they become more than handful, people naturally start tidying things up by stacking them. When man started programming data, stack was one of the first structures that he thought ...1 likeStacks
Md.Naimur Rahman (Navil)navilbyte.hashnode.dev·Mar 15, 2024Data Structure & Algorithm l3 likes·1.5K readsUIU BSCSE CoursesDsa 1
Heisenberg Pandeyheisenbergdevblogs.hashnode.dev·Dec 9, 2023StacksInside This blog. Definition Operations Implementation in c++ Implementation in Python Implementation in Javascript Definition stack is a linear data type. Operations push() pop() isEmpty() isFull() peek() size() Implementation in C...20 likes#StackDataStructure
Abdulrahman badamasideadeazy.hashnode.dev·Nov 6, 2023Stack data structure in JavaScriptA data structure is a way to store and use data efficiently. Different programming languages have different data structures. It's possible to implement data structures in different ways. In this article, I'll be walking you through how to implement t...3 likes·34 readsJavaScript
Srikanth Anantharamblog.srikanth.one·Oct 6, 2023(A case for) Creating a stack-allocated Stack container in C++I've always looked inside the C++ STL and wondered why the library provided stack container is not allocated on the stack section but is actually allocated on the heap. A container which is allocated on stack would be handy in embedded systems where ...10 likes·416 readsC++
Saravana Sai saravanasai.hashnode.dev·Aug 6, 2023Real-Life Applications of Stack Data StructureIntroduction Hi, Folks. In this article blog, we will explore the Stack data structure concept, and its underlying mechanisms, and understand how it works. Moreover, we will dive into some practical examples to illustrate its applications in everyday...2Articles1Week