EasyDevBlogseasydevblogs.hashnode.dev·Nov 21, 2024Starting a Spring Boot project using Spring InitializrStarting a Spring Boot project using Spring Initializr is straightforward. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you: Step 1: Access Spring Initializr Open Spring Initializr in your web browser or search https://start.spring.io/ in your browser. Once...1 likespring-Initializr
Arun Kumararunp.hashnode.dev·Sep 4, 2024Ultimate Backend API Starter Kithttps://github.com/arunkumar201/rest-api-using-tsEdit this text Features Type-safe API development with TypeScript, and Zod for schema validation. Caching Layer using Redis. Seamless data modeling and interaction with MongoDB using Mongoose. Type...Node.js
Didik Tri Susantoblog.didiktrisusanto.dev·Sep 2, 2024Simple Laravel Inertia React and Tailwindcss Starter KitIt started when I want to refreshing my skill on front end development with building something related with React but I kind of didn't want to build API-based backend then I was remember Inertiajs exists to solve that. I did several projects with Lar...797 readsLaravel
Mohammad Sarabim-sarabi.hashnode.dev·Aug 27, 2024DataPatternX: Candlestick Pattern Analysis Starter KitDataPatternX Introducing DataPatternX, a versatile and powerful starter kit designed to simplify candlestick pattern detection and data visualization in financial datasets. Whether you're a seasoned data analyst or just getting started with market an...PostgreSQL
Ammar Mirzafloaty-hashnode-headless.vercel.app·Jun 19, 2024Introducing Portfolio + Blog Starter Kit using Hashnode GraphQL APIs, Nextjs 14 App Router, Tanstack QueryOverview of the Portfolio + Blog Starter Kit Hashnode released their API some time ago, and I wanted to create something with it. Hashnode has a starter kit, but I wanted something that could serve as both my portfolio and a headless blog.So here's m...43 likes·160 readsstarter-kit
Facile TechnolabforFacile Technolab's Blogfaciletechnolabblog.hashnode.dev·Feb 25, 20245 Open source and free .net blazor projects for your next projectExplore projects like Blazorise, a versatile component library, providing a rich set of UI components for Blazor applications. Open-source projects are great for getting started and serve as a good source for architecture reference. There are several...Blazor
Facile TechnolabforFacile Technolab's Blogfaciletechnolabblog.hashnode.dev·Feb 5, 202410 Starter template to use for your next .net core microservice projectEmbark on your next .NET Core microservice journey with ease using these ten meticulously crafted starter templates. Introduction: The blog - 10 Starter template to use for your next .net core microservice project explores ten meticulously curated st...Starter Template
BuildBearbuildbear.hashnode.dev·Oct 19, 2023Optimize Your Dapp Development and Testing with Hardhat x BuildBearWith Hardhat x BuildBear, you can effortlessly create a Private Testnet sandbox across a variety of blockchain networks, all from your CLI. Your Testnets come with a built-in private Faucet that allows you to mint unlimited Native and ERC20 tokens, a...hardhat
Jonathan Wilkesupastarter.hashnode.dev·Sep 26, 2023A new chapter for supastarterToday marks the beginning of a new chapter for supastarter. We're excited launch version 2 of supastarter for Next 13 and share our vision for the future. It's been a little over a year since we launched supastarter and we've been blown away by the r...1 likelaunch
ARITRA SARKARaritrasarkar.hashnode.dev·Jul 31, 2023Routing With app-route in NEXT 13(with Source Code and Live Demo)The app-route module is a built-in routing solution provided by NEXT.js. It simplifies the process of defining routes and handling navigation in your application Setting Up a NEXT.js Project npx create-next-app my-next-app cd my-next-app npm run dev ...38 readsNext.js