고라니드로koranidro.hashnode.dev·Sep 1, 2024[React] 상태가 있다? 없다?💡 상태에 대해 궁금하다면 [React] useState === 상태?를 먼저 읽어보세요! '상태가 있다'는 것은 무엇을 의미할까요? 반대로 '상태가 없다'는 것은 뭐죠? 이 두 가지는 흔히 상태 저장(Stateful)과 상태 비저장(Stateless)이라는 표현으로 알려져 있습니다. 이것은 객체, 애플리케이션, 서버, 방화벽 등 매우 널리 사용되는 개념이지요. React도 예외는 아닙니다. React에서는 컴포넌트를 대상으로 사용됩니다....DiscussReact
Abid Shaikhdevops-aws.hashnode.dev·Aug 6, 2023Comparison of Stateful and Stateless Application:Let's understand the difference by taking an example of RDS and S3 let's illustrate the difference between stateful and stateless applications by giving an examples of AWS cloud services (RDS & S3): Stateful Application 🏰: Example: Relational Databa...DiscussStateLESS
Titus Kiplagatkiplagatitus.hashnode.dev·Mar 25, 2023Stateless Components in React: What Are They and Why Use Them?React is a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It is widely used in web development and offers a lot of advantages such as component reusability, performance optimizations, and an easy-to-use programming model. One of the key con...DiscussJavaScript
Netzary InfodynamicsforNetzary Blognetzary.hashnode.dev·Nov 26, 2022The State of the Firewall marketThe very first order which Netzary Infodynamics bagged about a decade back was to set up a secure network for a manufacturer, with a prime focus to ensure that their data does not get stolen. We set up a mail server on Postfix and created a web app w...Discuss·78 readswaf
Syed Jafer KforMakereadingsyedjaferk.hashnode.dev·Oct 3, 2022Set cookie value from Server SideIntroduction: In the previous post, we saw how to set a cookie using javascript. In the current post, we will see how we can set cookies from the server side. Servide Side In order to set the cookie from the server side, we need to use the set-cooki...Discuss·1 like·218 readsCourse: HTTPcookies
R Chantechcode.hashnode.dev·Jul 24, 2022Kubernetes Operator & Custom Resource DefinitionsToday, we will learn about what is a k8s operator, where are these used and a brief introduction about stateless and stateful applications, control loops, and CRDs. StateFUL and StateLESS application Let us first talk about StateFul and StateLESS app...Discuss·70 readsKubernetes