Subhanshu Mohan·Jan 2, 2025Serverless 2.0: Hybrid Decentralized Frameworks for Stateless ComputeIntroduction In the age of cloud computing, serverless architectures have become synonymous with scalability, cost-efficiency, and operational simplicity. However, these advantages often come with a caveat — dependency on centralized providers. Serve...10 likes·53 readsAI powered DevOpsserverless
Saurabh·Oct 2, 2024Stateless VS Stateful ApplicationsIntroduction Kubernetes, the leading container orchestration platform, provides powerful tools for deploying and managing applications. Two fundamental types of applications deployed in Kubernetes are stateless and stateful applications. Understandin...K8sStateLESS
Aman·Sep 14, 2024Understanding State in ReactIn React, state refers to data that a component maintains over time, acting like the component’s memory. It's essential for storing information that needs to persist throughout the lifecycle of the app. For example, state is used in features like not...2 likesReact
고라니드로·Sep 7, 2024[React] 당신은 상태를 필요로 하지 않을 것입니다. #5 - 부작용 편이 포스트는 React 버전 18.3.1을 기준으로 합니다. 잠깐! 동시성 렌더링에 대해 아직 잘 모른다면 [React] 변화의 물결, 동시성 렌더링을 먼저 읽어보세요! 부작용(정리가 필요한)을 가진 상태는 어떻게 해야 할까요? 렌더링과 커밋이 반드시 한 쌍을 이루지는 않으므로 상태를 렌더링 중 생성하고 useEffect를 통해 정리 함수를 호출하는 것은 적절치 않습니다. React 개발팀은 의도적으로 부작용을 관련 기능을 통해서 처리하도록 ...[React] 당신은 상태를 필요로 하지 않을 것입니다.React
고라니드로·Sep 1, 2024[React] 상태가 있다? 없다?잠깐! 상태에 대해 아직 잘 모른다면 [React] useState === 상태?를 먼저 읽어보세요! 컴포넌트를 상태 저장과 비저장으로 분류하는 것에 대해 들어보셨나요? 상태를 저장한다? 상태를 저장하지 않는다? 이것이 무슨 의미이며 어떻게 구분할 수 있을까요? 상태 저장 컴포넌트는 개인 공간 내에 상태를 유지함을 의미합니다. 상태는 반드시 컴포넌트의 생명 주기 동안 유지될 필요는 없지만 최소한 휘발성은 아님을 의미합니다. 상태 비저장 컴포넌...React
Rachit·Aug 10, 2024Verkle Tries Explained: A Simple Guide for BeginnersWelcome to a deep dive into Verkle trees and their impact on Ethereum's state management. As Ethereum aims to improve scalability and efficiency, Verkle trees are becoming a key part of the solution. In this blog, we'll break down what Verkle trees a...172 readsverkle·Dec 29, 2023ReactJS: Props vs. State - Demystifying the Core ConceptsPublished on: December 29, 2023 Tags: reactjs, javascript, web development If you've delved into the world of ReactJS, you've likely encountered the common conundrum: "Props vs. State." These two concepts play a crucial role in how components manage ...10 likesReact
Syed Jafer·Nov 30, 2023Why do we even need cookie's ?Sudden Thought As a full stack developer, i came across reading about cookies. So far i haven't written code to handle it or use it in my applications. While reading about cookies, i came to know its used to transfer state in a stateless HTTP protoco...cookies
Syed Jafer·Nov 29, 2023Is it okay to add cookie to a REST api ?Sudden Thought: I have seen applications, which are storing/sending the cookie in the REST api. My doubt is, since REST api is stateless; we should not store any state related items into the api. So my question is whether is a standard or not to stor...cookies
Abid·Aug 6, 2023Comparison of Stateful and Stateless Application:Let's understand the difference by taking an example of RDS and S3 let's illustrate the difference between stateful and stateless applications by giving an examples of AWS cloud services (RDS & S3): Stateful Application 🏰: Example: Relational Databa...StateLESS