Shikhar·Nov 27, 2024Linux Basics: A Comprehensive One-Line Guide to Essential ConceptsLinux is a cornerstone of the IT world, powering servers, desktops, and embedded devices. Whether you're a beginner or brushing up, here's a concise guide covering key Linux concepts with commands to get started. 1. What is Linux? Linux is an open-s...Linux·Nov 14, 2024Run the Last Command as sudo in UbuntuHave you found yourself running a command only to realise you need superuser privileges? Instead of retyping everything, there’s a quick method to run the last command as sudo in Ubuntu. To do this, simply type sudo !! and hit Enter. What’s happening...Ubuntu
Krishnat Ramchandra·Nov 14, 2024Mastering Linux Commands: sudoers, Shell Scripting, and Text Processing with awk, grep, and sedLinux offers powerful tools for system administration, shell scripting, and text processing, making it a versatile operating system for both developers and system administrators. This blog will guide you through advanced Linux commands and scripting ...Linux
Gwon·Oct 20, 2024How to run raycast script that includes `sudo`Summary Write the script that includes sudo “separately”. Add the /path/to/the/script to some kind of sudo whitelist(sudoer file) Make a raycast script that includes sudo /path/to/the/script Example The script that includes sudo I wanted to make...29 readsraycast script·Sep 16, 2024SUDO and SSHA sudo concept in Linux and the purpose of SSH: Sudo (superuser do): Sudo is a program for Linux-based systems that allows specific users to use particular system commands at the root level of the system. When you use the’sudo’ command, you temporari...sudo·Aug 28, 2024[tryhackme] Pickle Rick WriteupRick đã bị biến thành dưa chuột muối. Hãy giúp Morty tìm 3 nguyên liệu để biến ông về thành người! 1, Source Code: Có username ở đây thì hẳn phải có trang đăng nhập. Ta ghi nhớ điều này. 2, Scan nmap + scan directories Gobuster nmap scan được port ...Tryhackmepicklerick
Md Sakib Sadman·Aug 25, 2024How to Update Your Linux Machine with Just One CommandEver find yourself typing out sudo apt update; sudo apt upgrade -y and wondering why it feels like such a chore, even if you can type it in a couple of seconds? What if I told you that you could reduce that entire command to just typing update? Yes, ...Small ProblemsLinux
Khushal·Jun 30, 2024SUDO and SU Commands: Mastering User and Group Management in Linux :B6:In this blog, we'll cover user management: creating, deleting, changing users, and more. Which User Are You? To find out which user you're currently logged in as, use the command: whoami How to Add a User To add a new user, use: sudo adduser thor ...15 likes·63 readsLinuxKhushal_Malik
Karlygash·Feb 19, 2024Linux sudo command explainedAny commands that require root privileges, which are the commands that generally make changes to the system are going to need access to the root or sudo. Sudo can be used in place of root, which allows particular users to run various commands as the ...LinuxDevops
Brhane G.·Feb 10, 2024Introducing Sudo for Windows!Sudo for Windows is a new way for users to run elevated commands (as an administrator) directly from an unelevated console session on Windows. Prerequisites You must be running Windows 11 Insider Preview Build 26052 or higher to use the Sudo for Wind...General infoWindows