JAIME ELIAS FLORES QUISPEjaimeelias.hashnode.dev·Nov 21, 2024Article on Pytest for API Testing: Comparison with Karate and SuperTestIntroduction In this article, we will explore Pytest, a popular Python testing framework, in the context of testing RESTful APIs, comparing it with other popular frameworks like Karate (for Java) and SuperTest (for Node.js). The goal is to provide a ...@Karate(Java)
Mohamed Mayallomayallo.hashnode.dev·Nov 14, 2024Unit, Integration, and E2E Testing in One Example Using JestIntroduction Many developers face challenges when it comes to testing their code. Without proper tests, bugs can slip through, leading to frustrated users and costly fixes. This article will show you how to effectively apply Unit, Integration, and En...10 likes·117 readsTesting
Nicholas Diamondnicholasdiamond.hashnode.dev·Sep 27, 2024Implementing End-to-End Testing for Node.js Backends Using Jest and SupertestEnd-to-end (E2E) testing is essential for ensuring that your Node.js backend APIs function correctly as a complete system. Unlike unit or integration tests, E2E tests validate the entire flow of an application, including external dependencies, databa...backend
Nicanor Talks Webblog.nicanor.me·Jul 22, 2024NestJS Unit & Integration TestsTesting is a crucial part of software development, ensuring that your code works as expected and preventing bugs from making their way into production. In this blog post, we will explore how to write unit and integration tests for a NestJS applicatio...45 readsnestjs
Dhruvkumar Maisuriasequelizewithjwt.hashnode.dev·May 31, 2024Unit Testing with Jest and Supertest: A Guide to Testing Your Express Authentication APINodeJs API with sequelize jwt login auth-api/ ├── config/ │ └── db.config.js ├── controllers/ │ └── auth.controller.js ├── models/ │ ├── index.js │ └── user.model.js ├── routes/ │ └── auth.routes.js ├── tests/ new...Jest
Mathanraj Tmathanrajt06.hashnode.dev·Jan 27, 2024Troubleshooting SuperTest Errors: A Quick GuideAre you tired of searching how to solve error such as TypeError: server.close / app.close() is not a function TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'address') TypeError: app.address / server is not a function Attempted to log "S...Supertest
Gaurav SinghforRoaming Devblog.roamingdev.com·Nov 27, 2022API Testing with Mocha, Chai and Supertest in NodeJs.Introduction Testing is essential today for building a robust application that may change frequently or extend later if you are learning Test Driven Development or looking to add API test cases in the backend, which may improve the debugging and test...402 readsSupertest