Alberto·Aug 17, 2024Supervisor para queues en Laravel 11sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install supervisor sudo nano /etc/supervisor/conf.d/laravel-worker.conf [program:laravel-worker] process_name=%(program_name)s_%(process_num)02d command=php /your_project_directory/artisan queue:work --sleep=3 --tri...Laravel
Goran Popović·Mar 5, 2024Running custom Artisan commands with SupervisorIf you ever used Laravel queues on the server, you probably came across a section in the documentation about needing to run a Supervisor on your server in order to keep your queue processes going in case they are stopped for whatever reason. What you...Laravel
Sohag·Apr 23, 2023Supervisor: A Process Control System & Setup for Laravel applicationIn software development, it's common to have multiple processes running simultaneously to keep a system functional. A process control system is a useful tool to manage these processes. One such system is Supervisor, a popular tool for process control...1 like·226 readsDevOpssupervisor·Mar 16, 2023Linux: SupervisorWhat is a "Supervisor"? "Supervisor" is a process manager which provides a singular interface for managing and monitoring several long-running programs. Run a PHP command using Supervisor To run a PHP command using Linux Supervisor, you must follow t...30 readsLinux
Imam Hossain·Nov 7, 2021Supercharge Your Process Management Using SupervisorIf you are using a VPS (Virtual Private Server), you might need to run many small programs continuously, such as shell or python scripts to automate some boring tasks asynchronously. Usually, external packages come with a unit file that allows an ini...1 like·50 readssupervisor