DongYoon KangforSWC: The Rust-based platform for the·Aug 26, 2024SWC plugin registryRecently, I've been preoccupied with Wasm plugin compatibility issues in swc. I realized that backward compatibility would be difficult to achieve right now, so I decided to create a plugin registry that I had been putting off. The first thing that d...302 readsswc
James·Jan 30, 2024[Nest.js] Few thoughts on setting up Nest.js SWC with DockerThe official doc ( goes through SWC setup in Nest.js pretty well. But usually when we setup our Nest.js project with Docker, I try to get SWC working and here are thoughts around it. SWC is a little tricky because ...146 readsNest.jsswc·Nov 6, 2023CRA 없이 React 세팅하기 (Webpack, Babel, SWC)회사에서 마이크로 프론트엔드 아키텍처를 적용해야 할 필요가 있어서 그에 대한 공부를 하며 연습하던 중, 다른건 그나마 만들어서 임포트가 되는데 어떻게 해도 리액트 컴포넌트 라이브러리는 만들지 못하는 내 자신에 대한 현타가 왔다. 컴포넌트만 모아둔 라이브러리에 무겁다고 소문난(?) cra로 환경을 만들기에는 왠지 오바인것 같아서 이거저거 해봤지만 나는 기본기도 없는(ㅠㅠ) 갓태어난 응애 개발자인지라 뭐 블로그 몇개 보고 척척 해내기엔 무리가 있었...CRA
DongYoon KangforSWC: The Rust-based platform for the·Nov 5, 2023Welcome the new core team membersToday we have some very exciting news to share: two people are joining the core team, both of whom have contributed a great deal to SWC, one of whom goes by the username @magic-akari and the other by the username @Austaras. They are both very deservi...420 readsswc
DongYoon KangforSWC: The Rust-based platform for the·Oct 13, 2023ChangeLog: Full ChangeLog Bugfixes for transpiler await using PR: Helpers PR: Decorators PR: PR: https:...ChangeLogChangelog
DongYoon KangforSWC: The Rust-based platform for the·Oct 12, 2023nightly builds of @swc/core are now availableToday, we configured the build pipeline for nightly builds of @swc/core. You can try it by running the command below in your terminal. # npm npm i -D @swc/core@nightly # yarn yarn add -D @swc/core@nightly # pnpm pnpm i -D @swc/core@nightly nightly b...44 readsswc
Thomas·Jun 21, 2022Why You Should Replace Babel with SWC in Next.jsBefore the release of Next.js v12, it utilized Babel to transpile edge JavaScript to plain ES5 JavaScript that can run in any web browser. It converts the syntax of modern JavaScript into a form that old web browsers can easily understand. Next.js ve...71 readsFront-endNext.js