Ahamad Basha NSintro-to-c-net-core.hashnode.dev·Dec 9, 2024the World of Control Structures! 🎢the World of Control Structures! 🎢 "Life is all about the choices we make and path we follow." Same goes for the code as well. Control Structures Let's explore how code can make decisions. Control structures are the building blocks that dictate the ...learncsharp
Shivam Dubeycodefarms.in·Nov 12, 2024A Comprehensive Guide to Conditional Logic with `switch-case`The switch statement in Go is a powerful control structure that allows you to execute one block of code among many based on the value of a variable or expression. It's an alternative to using multiple if-else statements, making your code more readabl...Golanggo switch case statement
Rohit Gawanderohit253.hashnode.dev·Oct 5, 2024Chapter 8: Operators, Conditionals, and Switch Case in JavaJava offers a wide variety of operators, which allow you to perform operations on variables, manipulate data, and control program flow. We will explore different types of operators and understand their behavior. 1. Operators in Java: Operators are sp...Full Stack Java Developmentuninary
Akash Dasakashdas7781.hashnode.dev·Sep 11, 2024Introduction to Data Types, Variables, and Control Statements in Java :Java is one of the most popular programming languages, known for its simplicity and robustness. Whether you’re a beginner or an expert, understanding the fundamentals like data types, variables, and control statements is essential to writing efficien...Java
Sahil Rathodoperationsguy.hashnode.dev·Aug 23, 2024Switch and defer statementsIn our previous learning, we have discussed functions and loops. Here we will be talking about switch and defer statements. Let's start with switch cases.. Switch statements are a way to compare multiple options and values together. They are similar ...11 likes·32 readslearning-goGo Language
CODE SENSEIcodesensei.hashnode.dev·Jul 16, 2024How to Use Conditionalsconditions are crucial concepts in programming as they help us save lines of code and manage memory efficiently. CONDITIONALS As the name suggests, conditionals are used to set rules and make decisions based on circumstances. For example, when drivin...Conditional statement
Saurabh Damalehackroot1.hashnode.dev·Jul 11, 2024Understanding PHP Conditional Statements: if, else, and switch ExplainedToday, we will explore PHP conditional statements, which allow you to execute different blocks of code based on certain conditions. Conditional statements are fundamental in programming as they enable decision-making in your code. Let's dive into the...PHP
Christian Lehnertchristianlehnert.hashnode.dev·Jun 28, 2024Enhance Your Java Skills with Advanced Switch StatementsJava has made significant improvements to switch statements, making them more versatile and expressive. Starting with Java 14, you can now write switch constructs that are more robust, flexible, and easier to read. Let's explore the exciting new feat...Java
Preetipreetisays.hashnode.dev·Jun 26, 2024Switch(true) in jsWell i was writing this small code to check some conditions using a switch statement, when i came acoss this mundane JS concept where we use Switch(expression) and then the following cases for it, in Java, i remember using switch(variable) which will...js
Shaique Hossainshaique7.hashnode.dev·Jun 14, 2024Switch Case in PythonPython does not have a built-in switch case statement like some other programming languages. Instead, similar functionality can be achieved using dictionary mappings or if-elif-else statements. Dictionary Mapping: Use a dictionary where keys are the...Switch case