Ezpieezpie.hashnode.dev·Apr 26, 2024Reality Of being a developerFor most of us, we aren't any god level, 10X, 1000X, 1QaX, or whatever you want to say, programmers. We are just simple-minded humans... sorry I mean humanoids, who can write code and can't act normal without mentioning react vs angular... wait that'...Discusstalk
Stephan Hoelscherwww.coffeehouseworker.de·Apr 16, 2024Visit to the Meetup on "Modern Patterns with React 19"Last week, I had the opportunity to attend an exciting meetup at DevTalk@TK focused on "modern patterns in React 19". The event was held in the main building of Techniker Krankenkasse, a well-known public health insurance company. The venue had an un...Discuss·59 readsdevtalk
Muhammad Umairumair42.hashnode.dev·Dec 27, 2023Igniting the Spark: Unleashing the Magic of JavaScript for BeginnersGreetings, coding enthusiasts! In our first article, we're delving into the core of JavaScript, unraveling the essentials that transform static web pages into dynamic experiences. Join us as we crack the JavaScript code, exploring the fundamentals th...DiscussBuilding the Web: An In-Depth JavaScript Development Series2Articles1Week
Dhaval Singhwww.dsdev.in·Nov 5, 2023Talk: Ruby's GVL Under The MicroscopeContext This is the first talk I have ever given. A lot of nerves, but I am very grateful for this opportunity by Blr Ruby Meetup group. It felt really good, hopefully, I can do this more in the future. Both the talk video and slides are attached bel...Discuss·170 readsTalksRuby
Akintola RamotaforPython Ghana's Blogblog.pythonghana.org·Aug 25, 2023How to set up your talk or tutorial proposal for a Python conferenceOn July 29th, Pyladies Ghana hosted another session of our monthly Pyladies Night series. We welcomed Cheuk Ting Ho, who shared her expertise on “How to set up your talk or tutorial proposal for a Python conference.” Cheuk is an avid open-source cont...Discuss·1 like·44 readsPyLadies Ghanatalk
Isa Serpaisaserpa.hashnode.dev·Jul 28, 20239 Essential Steps to Prepare for a Successful LectureIn this article, I share how I prepared for presenting the lecture "Expectation vs Reality: Building a Product in Practice" at The Developers Conference - BH in the Product Management track. Check the event schedule It's important to review the even...Discuss·2 likesPublic Speaking
Adyasha Mohantyblog.adyasha.in·Jul 7, 2023My First Talk 🎤Hey there, fabulous folks! I hope you're all doing exceptionally well. Today, I want to share the exhilarating tale of my very first talk titled "TECH TREK: Journey to learn, grow, and build". Brace yourselves for an entertaining and insightful ride!...Discuss·1 like·57 readsLearningstalk
James 'Dante' Midzidantedecodes.hashnode.dev·Jun 23, 2023Speaking at Eleventy MeetupIf you have been following my articles for some time, you know that I did a series on Eleventy This series - as is with most of my articles - was to help me understand Eleventy. During that time, I got to interact with amazing people from all over th...Discusseleventy
Rishi Anandrishianand.hashnode.dev·Mar 1, 20235 Effective Strategies for Handling ArgumentsArguments and disagreements are a natural part of human interaction, and learning how to handle them effectively can make a significant difference in our personal and professional relationships. Whether it's a disagreement with a friend, family membe...Discuss·39 readsRelationship
Ismail Sunniismailsunni.hashnode.dev·Jan 27, 2023Speaking at Python ID Jogja Meet UpOn 21 January 2023, I attended at Python ID Jogja Meet Up or we usually call it, Kopdar Python ID Jogja. This is the first offline meet-up since the pandemic hit us. In this meet-up, I share my experience with Python Usage in Open Source Geospatial. ...Discuss·99 readsPython