Rakesh Vardanrakeshvardan.com·Jan 22, 2025Transforming Our Automation Suite: From Challenges to SolutionsIntroduction: Test Automation is critical to modern software development, driving efficiency and faster feedback for API and UI testing. For our team, it started as a well-planned effort, but over time, our automation suite grew out of control—especi...test automation framework
Sam Atinksonsamatinkson.hashnode.dev·Jan 13, 2025Top 5 Reporting Tools For a Robust Selenium Automation FrameworkSelenium testing can turn out to be tricky despite the popularity of the tool. It is one of the topmost open-source test automation solutions. Speaking of which, test reports constitute a vital part of all test automation frameworks. However, it’s a ...test automation framework
Ronika Kashyapronika.hashnode.dev·Dec 9, 2024Test Automation Frameworks- The Complete GuideTest automation frameworks offer an ideal solution for developers seeking an efficient, reliable way to get their software product out to market sooner. They can significantly reduce development costs and boost ROI, making them an obvious choice for ...Testing
Sam Atinksonsamatinkson.hashnode.dev·Oct 22, 2024Layered Architecture: Building Robust and Scalable Test Automation FrameworksA layered architecture is crucial in developing robust and scalable test automation frameworks. This technical strategy provides a structured approach to framework design, improving maintainability and enabling efficient test creation. By adhering to...test-automation
Steve Worthamstevewortham.hashnode.dev·Aug 29, 2024Playwright For Test Automation : A Step by Step GuideIt enables developers and testers to automate web applications across multiple browsers with ease. This guide will walk you through the basics of using Playwright for test automation, from installation to writing and running your first tests. Playwri...Testing
Askme Technologiesaskmetechnologies.hashnode.dev·Feb 2, 2024Mastering the Art of Test Automation: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners“Automatic Validation and Execution of Test” is now possible with a toolset called Test automation. The automation tools use special codes to perform the entire task right from reviewing software products to maintaining test data and analyzing the ge...Askme Technologies
SUBODH SINGHsubodhsingh.hashnode.dev·Jul 15, 2023WAF#3 - Implementing POM design pattern with an Object repositoryIntroduction Before discussing POM, first, let's understand what the problem is if POM is not used. Below is the test written for validLoginTest- @Test public void validLoginTest(){ driver.findElement(By.name("username")).sendKeys("Admin"); d...1 like·630 readsAutomation Frameworktest automation framework
SUBODH SINGHsubodhsingh.hashnode.dev·Jul 12, 2023WAF#2 - Framework ArchitectureThe framework architecture I will be designing follows a modular approach, consisting of three key layers: core, application, and test. Each layer plays a specific role in achieving efficient and maintainable test automation. Core Layer: The core la...162 readsAutomation Frameworktest automation framework
SUBODH SINGHsubodhsingh.hashnode.dev·Jul 9, 2023WAF#1 - What is a test automation framework?A test automation framework is a set of rules, guidelines, and tools that help automate software testing. It provides a structure for organizing and managing test cases, data, and results. Test automation frameworks can help to improve the efficiency...115 readsAutomation Frameworktest automation framework
Arnab Roy Chowdhuryarnabrchowdhury.hashnode.dev·Feb 6, 2019Metrics & Challenges For Testing Streaming Applications In 2023Metrics & Challenges For Testing Streaming Applications In 2023 Streaming rich media has become an integral part of our daily lives. From watching tutorials on YouTube, Udemy etc. to playing RPGs(Role-Playing Games) on the internet, a major percentag...Testing