Joubert·Aug 29, 2024Testes de Integração no Symfony com TestcontainersDisclaimer: Eu não sou uma entidade divina. O que eu falo não é uma verdade absoluta. Não tenha medo de questionar até o mundo, pois ele pode estar errado, não você. Hoje não é segredo para ninguém a importância dos testes automatizados para manter a...26 readsPHP
Market·Jun 24, 2024The Quest for Compatibility: Do Tests Really Help?In the search for a harmonious relationship, whether romantic, platonic, or professional, people have often turned to compatibility tests as a guide. These tests, ranging from simple quizzes found in magazines to complex algorithms on dating websites...tests
Dariusz·Dec 12, 2023Fluent tests in Java with AssertJI haven't been using them extensively, but recently I started to take advantage of the AssertJ library. I want to draw your attention to how easy and pleasant it is to write and read tests written in AssertJ. Just take a look at the tests I wrote for...28 readsJava·Sep 6, 2023What does Shifting Left for testing mean ??What shifting Left in the Testing/Quality perspective means - Identifying the needs and dependencies of testing & related activities early in the planning cycle. This means understanding the following : Dependencies of testing Within a team Techni...Testingshiftlefttesting
Siro·Mar 2, 2023A Flutter Template from ICAPPS: Part 2Having introduced you to the ICAPPS Flutter Template in my previous article, I wish to continue talking about the features of the template from where I left off. If you didn't read the article then I politely ask you to read it before proceeding with...77 readsFlutter
Arthur Fü·Jan 19, 2021Drops de testes – A anatomia de um teste automatizadoEstamos fazendo uma série de artigos sobre testes do básico ao avançado com posts todas as terças, você pode ver todos os posts clicando aqui ou ver o post anterior clicando aqui. Neste post vamos falar sobre como é a estrutura básica de um teste aut...tests