Ogunuyo Ogheneruemu Biruemu.hashnode.dev·Nov 3, 2023Adding Ellipsis to Text Using Only HTML and CSSText truncation, often represented by ellipsis (…), is a useful technique to control the display of lengthy text content within limited space. With just HTML and CSS, you can easily achieve this effect. In this blog post, we'll explore how to add ell...ellipsis
Eva Chenim1010ioio.hashnode.dev·Oct 14, 2023#28 CSS 文字過長、行數過多顯示點點點、文字自動折行、強制換行:white-space、word-break、-webkit-line-clamp 的妙用↓ 今日學習重點 ↓ 學會設定文字過長、行數過多顯示點點點(刪節號 ellipsis) 了解如何讓文字強制換行 學會如何讓文字依據 \r\n 自動折行 在網頁中,許多資料是動態產生的,也就是說我們沒有辦法控制內容的長短,版面可能被文字擠到破版,也可能會該換行的沒有換行。 今天我們就要來學習各種 CSS 文字的處理技巧。 過長的內容 當文字過短時,有可能只是畫面不夠好看,不至於無法使用;而過長時會較嚴重,因為它可能會直接讓畫面破版,甚至影響到功能操作。 讓我們用前幾天 Contain...5.4K readsSuper Easy CSS,極度簡單:寫出好的 CSS,從零開始前端生涯CSS
brian treesebriantreese.hashnode.dev·Oct 13, 2023Text Truncation in CSS: Learn Single and Multiple Line Truncation with EaseAre you running into scenarios where you have a single line of text that can get too long and you want to truncate it? How about multiple lines that you want to constrain to a known number of lines and then truncate? Well, in this post I’ll show you ...Text Truncation