Aditya Kumar·Jul 7, 2024Step-by-Step Guide to Setting Up a Server in NodeJsCreating a server in Node.js is a fundamental skill for any web developer. Node.js, known for its efficiency and scalability, allows developers to build fast and lightweight server-side applications using JavaScript. In this article, we will walk you...creating server·May 1, 2024Today I learnedI’ve compiled a list of items to work through on my checklist so I thought I’d share it, with some of my own thoughts. Learning in public I've always hesitated sharing publicly what I have learned and what I'm working on, not because I fear being i learn
JayRam·Jan 23, 2024📝 TIL (Today I Learned) or Bite-Sized LearningIntroduction Welcome to Today I Learned, your daily destination for bite-sized wisdom! Each section is a short burst of information crafted to make your day a little brighter and your mind a little sharper. Join us on this journey of Byte-Sized Learn...1 like·26 readsbite-size
AbulAsar·Jan 4, 2024TIL: How to add a form in a table in Phoenix LiveView?Suppose, we want to add an inline edit feature on a table row. It can be a little tricky to implement. I had a hard time implementing it because I wasn't about one of the concepts of HTML that we cannot add a form tag inside a table. Something like t...1 like·291 readsToday I learnedforms
AbulAsar·Jan 3, 2024TIL: Add the "download" attribute on the link tag when calling the download endpointDownloading pdf or any other documents is very common in day-to-day web applications. We often see buttons like Download, Generate Invoice, etc buttons in web applications that makes calls to a GET endpoint which does some computations and downloads ...3 likes·230 readsToday I learnedtoday i learn
Seongeun·Jun 14, 2023What I learn today coding with ChatGPTStruggle: You were unsure about how to filter the FAQs based on the selected types and display only the relevant FAQs. Solution: To address this struggle, I suggested using the some array method in the selectedTypes.filter method. The filter method c...chatgpt
Amr·Dec 30, 2022Understanding decltypewhere we usually use decltype. it is a way to express the type of the objects, let's say you don't know the return type of the func1 and you want to use the same type of entry into another func that takes the same type, the first approach that came t...64 readsC++
Adeoti·Jul 1, 2022Rust macros in few sentencesSo, you've been writing Rust for a few days or so; or even a few weeks or months, or years, or decades. But! you've heard macros and have been burning to know what it's all about. Claimers and disclaimers What this article is about It just explains w...11 likes·107 readsRust