Rodney Lab - Game Developer with “Eternal Student”·Jul 17, 2024Ratatui Audio with Rodio🔊 Adding Sound FX to a Ratatui Game In this post, we look at Ratatui audio with Rodio. I have been building a text-based User Interface (TUI) game in Ratatui. Ratatui is Rust tooling for Terminal apps. This is the third post in the series. I wrot...DiscussRust
Rodney Lab - Game Developer with “Eternal Student”·Jun 26, 2024Ratatui for Terminal Fireworks🧨 Adding Fireworks to the Ratatui Game In this Ratatui for Terminal Fireworks post, I talk about how I added fireworks to the Text-based User Interface (TUI) game I created in a recent post. The game is based on the arithmetic challenge from the UK...DiscussRust·Apr 6, 2024Streamlining your workflow around the PowerShell terminalMotivation What do you first do when you want to start something on your PC? I used to use PowerToys Run to run installed apps, open a Visual Studio solution file or open a folder. On the other hand, when I wanted to get the latest code for a project...Discuss·3 likes·1.3K readsPowershell·Dec 10, 2023Journey into the Terminal: Building the pygamelib UI Module (part 3)2023: A Coding Odyssey Introduction In this article, we'll continue our exploration into the pygamelib's layout system, building on the progress we made in the last installment. Additionally, I'll introduce the library's first practical widget: the L...DiscussBuilding the pygamelib UI SDK: A Coding OdysseyPython
Michael·Nov 15, 2023Reverse engineering Microsoft's dev container CLIDev containers allow you to open up projects and have them running in a fully pre-configured environment with one click! ... is how I introduced the concept of dev containers in my last article. I also mentioned that I have been working on a small u...Discuss·756 readsvscode·Oct 30, 2023Journey into the Terminal: Building the pygamelib UI Module (part 2)Introduction In the previous episode, we concluded with the implementation of the Widget class and numerous unanswered questions. Many of these questions revolve around the automatic management of multiple widgets. In this installment, I will discuss...DiscussBuilding the pygamelib UI SDK: A Coding OdysseyPython·Oct 21, 2023Journey into the Terminal: Building the pygamelib UI Module (part 1)Introduction A bit of context: I've been working for some years now on a Python library called the pygamelib. A not-so-small library to write games and applications in the terminal in Python. If you are wondering, it has nothing to do with Pygame and...Discuss·62 readsBuilding the pygamelib UI SDK: A Coding OdysseyPython