Krijan·Jul 12, 2024Discussion on Type Annotations and Type InferenceType Annotations: Type Annotations is used to define the types of variable, function parameters, return values and object properties.Example: // Variables let value:string="Hello My Name is John Doe"; let secondValue:number=12; secondValue=12-1; // ...TypescriptTypeScript
Ugne·Feb 5, 2024Avoid Bloated Code with Type InferenceTypeScript, as a statically typed superset of JavaScript, in recent years has gained popularity for its ability to improve developer productivity and code quality. One of the great TypeScript features is type inference, which can prevent unnecessary ...Type Inference
Derrick·May 10, 2023Type Annotation VS Type InferenceIntroduction Are you curious about typescript and its features? In this article, we will be discussing the difference between type annotation and type inference in typescript in a more friendly and approachable way. What is type annotation? Type anno...TypeScript
Derrick·May 3, 2023What is Typescript?Typescript is a superset of Javascript, this means that it is built on Javascript and contains all the elements and functionality of Javascript. Also, it adds more features to Javascript. Why use Typescript? Javascript has been a popular language for...113 readsTypeScript
Elucian MoiseforProgramming·Apr 13, 2023Rust: Data TypesRust is a modern, systems programming language that was initially created by Mozilla, but is now maintained by the Rust community. Its syntax is heavily influenced by C and C++, but with a focus on improving safety and concurrency. Syntax Rust syntax...113 readsRust LanguageRust·Jan 23, 2023Solving system-F application with metavariablesWe've all been there before. You have a function you want to call, and a variable you want to call it with, but you just don't want to manually write instantiations when all the needed info is (probably) there! Warning - This is not particularly read...41 readsType Inference
Alex·Nov 29, 2022How to set up a TypeScript projectThis is a continuation from the previous blog post What is TypeScript, Where we explained what TypeScript is, and everything regarding TypeScript, in this blog, we are simply going to be explaining how to set-up a TypeScript Project so that we can st...60 readsTypeScript
Alex·Nov 28, 2022What is TypeScriptIntroduction/What is TypeScript TypeScript is a programming language that is built on top of JavaScript. It is commonly refer to as a syntactical superset of JavaScript. TypeScript lets you assign optional static typing to your program and returns p...1 like·89 readsTypeScript
Ifeanyi·Nov 1, 2022Understanding the TypeScript `infer` keywordIn TypeScript, there are some types that are composed of multiple other types. We can refer to them as compound types. A promise for example, is a compound type because it’s composed of two types. The first being the Promise itself, and the second be...89 readsTypeScript
Markos·Jul 27, 2022Types & InferenceWelcome to the series "Java Coding"; brought to you by "Coding Mantis"! We live in a world that needs to have everything labeled in order to define what anything is and how it behaves, and concretely sometimes it works out but sometimes it doesn't. T...7 likes·46 readsJava CodingJava