Dhruv para.hashnode.dev·Apr 21, 2024Understanding various communication protocols like UART, SPI, CAN and I2C via ATMEGA328-P and NODEMCU (esp-8226)Recently while working on a project utilizing Arduino and DHT11 sensor I faced a set of challenges which led me to dive deeper into the world of communication protocols, particularly SPI, I2C, and CAN bus modules. Despite the initial simplicity of th...35 readsElectronics
Deniz Ariyandenizariyan.com·Jan 21, 2021Getting shell on TP-Link TD864W modem/router comboAbstract TP-Link TD864W is a modem/router combo that is widely used in Turkey mostly because it was given for free to every DSL subscriber by a major ISP in Turkey for years. Its software was modified for use by that particular ISP by TP-Link and is ...219 readsrouter
ANIL TIRLIOĞLUforasynxasynx.hashnode.dev·Nov 29, 2020Serial data communication over TCPWhy would you need serial over ethernet ? A serial device on remote PC can be viewed as directly connected to your PC with serial over ethernet. Two applications on different PCs talk over serial ports as if applications directly connected through se...28 readsenglish